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    The mega evolution (mega evolution) is coming to Pokémon Go

    The mega evolution (mega evolution) is coming to Pokémon Go

    The long-awaited mega evolution is coming to the augmented reality mobile game Pokemon Go. The information was revealed yesterday during a stream by The Pokémon Company. The evolution will take place with similar mechanics to the main Pokemon games, but at the same time, according to Tsunekazu Ishihara, CEO of The Pokemon Company, there will be an enhancement to utilize Pokemon Go's unique gameplay.

    Mega evolution in main Pokemon games happens temporarily during battles. The first time this type of evolution appeared was in the sixth generation of Pokemon games. Altogether there are 46 pokemons capable of performing the mega evolution (mega evolution).

    Mega Evolutions of Pokemon Charizard. Source: Pokemon

    It is not yet known which specific pokemons will be able to perform the mega evolution in Pokemon Go for now. To carry out the mega evolution, at least in the main Pokemon games, it is necessary to use a stone, but nothing was said about this detail during the announcement.

    There is no exact date for the debut of the mega evolutions, but it is certain that it will take place later this year.

    What did you think of the news? Have you ever played the main Pokemon games and witnessed the mega evolution? Comment below and share your opinion with us!

    About Pokemon Go

    Pokemon Go was released in the year 2016 and innovated the way fans of the franchise play. It is the first game in the series to use augmented reality, developed by Niantic, capable of bringing a great immersion for the player to feel in the "pokemon world". Initially the title was launched with the 150 pokemons of the first generation, but later the developers were adding the pokemons of the following generations, accumulating approximately 500 of them in the year 2019.

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