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    The new Battlefield may gain news in May this year!

    The new Battlefield may gain news in May this year!

    The new Battlefield may be closer than ever! According to Jeff Grubb, a journalist at GamesBeat, stated that the new title of the war franchise could gain news in May this year.

    It is worth remembering that Grubb has already released information that came to fruition about Elden Ring, a title much awaited by players, and Starfield, another game that has created great expectations in the public.

    The journalist did not say what kind of news may be coming, but he said he believes that there is something scheduled to be revealed about the new Battlefield.

    "Things are flowing. They haven't officially announced anything yet, but I believe they have something planned for May."

    Although Jeff Grubb has credibility, it is worth remembering that for now it is not possible to say anything. No official statement has been made by EA, so we should treat the matter only as a rumor.

    According to insider, Battlefield 6 will have the biggest destruction of scenarios in the franchise

    The new Battlefield

    In February of this year, Andy Wilson, CEO of EA, stated that the planning remains unchanged and that the next Battlefield should arrive at the end of 2021. The title should make the most of the possibilities of the new generation of consoles, using the full power of technologies current.

    The promise is that the new Battlefield will have a true next-gen vision.

    "DICE is creating our next Battlefield on never-before-seen scales. The technical advancements of the new consoles are enabling the team to deliver a title that truly takes a next-gen take on the franchise"

    According to insider Tom Henderson, the new title will have maps for up to 128 players. In addition, Henderson stated that the game will also be released for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, but with some less content.

    However, Henderson's information is still just rumors.

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