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    The Witcher, franchise from CD Projekt Red, loses its director, who resigned

      The Witcher, franchise from CD Projekt Red, loses its director, who resigned

      It has just been reported that The Witcher 3 director Konrad Tomaszkiewicz has resigned from studio CD Projekt Red. Apparently, the reason for making this decision was due to cases of bullying in the workplace, but Konrad denies this claim.

      According to Bloomberg, CD Projekt Red was conducting "a months-long investigation of allegations of mobbing, a Polish term for office bullying" against Konrad. According to the commission formed to investigate the allegations, the director of The Witcher 3 would be innocent, however, Konrad still decided to leave the company, as he felt a clear discomfort between him and the other employees.

      Konrad Tomaszkiewicz diz:

      "However, many people are feeling fear, stress or discomfort working with me."

      The director apologized to the team for "all the bad blood it caused" and added:

      "I will continue to work on myself. Changing behavior is a long and arduous process, but I will not give up and I hope to change."

      According to information recorded on his Linkedin profile, his entry from CD Projekt Red was as a "junior tester" in 2004 to work on The Witcher. He later worked on the game's sequels and went on to be Director of Design, VP of Game Development, Secondary Director, and Head of Production on Cyberpunk 2077.

      According to Bloomberg, Konrad had been cast in a big role in the upcoming The Witcher game at CD Projekt Red. When staff reached out to him for comment, he was reported to be "saddened and disappointed".

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