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    Unprecedented, GameStop case already has two proposals to become a movie

    Unprecedented, GameStop case already has two proposals to become a movie

    The GameStop case has become one of the most talked about topics around the world in recent days. The battle between small investors and Wall Street "sharks" was unprecedented in the financial world.

    The situation was so impressive and unique that there are even people interested in making productions adapting the story. Although the case is recent, the website Deadline reported that MGM and Netflix have the desire to produce a film about the financial battle.

    GameStop is used to turn Wall Street upside down

    the productions

    According to Deadline, MGM has acquired the rights to the book The Antisocial Network, proposed by Ben Mezrich. The author was responsible for the book Billionaires by Chance, which inspired the film The Social Network. The site also reported that Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss, twins played by Armie Hammer in the film about Facebook, will be involved in the new production of MGM.

    The production of Netflix was released a little later by Deadline. On Netflix, the film about the case will have a screenplay written by Mark Boal, known for being Oscar winners with The Hurt Locker and Darkest Hour.

    According to the information, the film will star Noah Centineo, famous for Netflix productions. Scott Galloway, author of The Four: Apple, Amazon, Facebook and Google. The Secret of Tech Giants, will be the title consultant.

    While Netflix declined to talk about the project, sources say they want to use GameStop's case to talk more deeply about how social media allows people to stand up to the protectors of the status quo for good or for bad. the evil.

    While the case is already targeted to become a movie, the situation still seems to be far from over. It is worth remembering that everything was organized mainly on a Reddit forum.

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