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    Valorant developer reveals changes to Omen for the game's official release

    In the beta version of Valorant, the character Omen and his ghost kit was introduced that can blind, generate smoke and teleport him in style, but the Riot Games developer team decided to make some changes before the game's official launch on the 2nd of December. June (next Tuesday).

    Omen was a favorite character for more methodical Valorant players due to his ability to set up his own lures, obscure key angles, or change the point of attack in any given round. However, even though he offers great utility, there have been some reports that some of his abilities like Dark Cover or Paranoia don't always go away smoothly.

    Valorant developer reveals changes to Omen for the game's official release

    Omen dinner in Valorant's dated beta. Source: Valuing

    Valorant's lead character design Ryan Morello Scott outlined the fixes Riot made for the game's official release. Check out what the developer said below:

    "Enjoy the last night of the VALORANT closed beta - join these games and finish receiving the closed beta friend.

    Take a weekend and rest, get ready to:

    • Agent 11
    • Map 4
    • Update on Omen's powers: smoke targeting (!), ultimate and blind improvements.
    • balance sheet updates
    • Hitreg + FPS fixes"

    Enjoy the last evening of VALORANT closed beta - get those games in and finish getting the closed beta buddy.

    Take a weekend and rest up, get ready for:

    * Agent 11
    * Map 4
    * Omen smoke targeting update (!), ultimate and blind improvements
    * Balance Updates
    * Hitreg+FPS Fixes

    — Morello (@RiotMorello) May 28, 2020

    Valorant closed beta ended yesterday (28/05/2020)

    With the close of Valorant's closed beta, it's important to remember that all progression players had in the closed beta will be reset, with the exception of items users gained in the pass (includes the exclusive keyring). In addition, purchases made in the game store during this period will not be kept, however these people will receive a 20% bonus on this value and the valorant points will remain (example: you bought 1000 valorant points, at the launch of the final version of the game your account will have 1200 valorant points).

    Looking forward to the official release of Valorant? Comment below and share your opinion with us!

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