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    Valve is reportedly developing a handheld PC

    Valve is reportedly developing a handheld PC

    The Nintendo Switch proved to us that playing indie titles, previously exclusive to PC, can be a reality. However, if you want, it will soon be no longer necessary to wait for the Switch ports for games that are present on Steam. The reason for this is a recent report we had, where it is said that Valve would be working on a portable handheld PC.

    According to Ars Technica, sources familiar with the matter regarding Valve's PC/console development say the device is identified with "SteamPal". In addition, it was reported that the device will run "a large number" of Steam games via Linux. The machine is described as "an all-in-one PC with gamepad and touchscreen controls".

    As you can see from the description above, it seems that the Nintendo Switch format idea was implemented and at the same time inspired by various models of portable PCs. It appears that Valve is currently developing the prototype and it is likely that they will rely on AMD or Intel for hardware development.

    Steam codes are found by developer

    The above report reinforces what has been recently found in Steam code via SteamDB developer Pavel Djundik. In the lines of code were located the words "SteamPal" and "SteamPal Games" linked and a codename called "Neptune". Everything points to these quotes being related to Valve's handheld gaming device.

    What do you think of this new rumor about Valve's entry into portables? Would you buy the company PC? Comment below and share your opinion with us!

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