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    Wasteland 3 gets a new difficulty and a lot of improvements

    Wasteland 3 gets a new difficulty and a lot of improvements

    InXile Entertainment has released a new update for Wasteland 3. Patch 1.3.0, called Robots and Rangers, brings new features to the RPG including skins and the new Tourist difficulty. The difficulty added by the update is the easiest in the game and will be ideal for those who just want to enjoy the title's story, without worrying about combat.

    Fixes and improvements

    The update brought many new features that make the game even more enjoyable and interesting. There were several areas that received corrections and the list of improvements brought more quality to the title.

    New cosmetics have also been added, including new hair, beards and pants that can now be used in character creation. Additionally, the Handmade Wizard and Knight outfits have made it to the title and are available to anyone who has completed the Cornered Rats (Garden of the Gods) quest. It will be possible to equip the skins in the wardrobe in Ranger HQ and in the clothing store in Downtown Colorado Springs.

    In addition to the news, the update also brought fixes to the game. On PlayStation 4, the title had an issue that caused animation to freeze, causing the frame rate to drop while moving. Now the problem should no longer occur.

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    PC gamers also received interesting news. Now, those exploring the wasteland with mouse and keyboard will have more options for action. The update added the possibility for more actions to be linked to the keyboard and mouse, with a focus on panning the camera. Also, the mapping of double binding keys will be removed so that there are no input conflicts. There will also be a warning if keyboard shortcuts are missing before the player exits the menu.

    User interface elements have been refined, polished and tweaked, causing an overall improvement. Main menu options will also no longer be grayed out incorrectly.

    A number of other issues have been fixed in gameplay, balance, art, controls and more. You can check all the improvements and fixes at this link.

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