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    Weekly news from the gaming world (June 18-25)

    The gaming world is always in full swing, with news and information constantly emerging. Even more so after the biggest gaming conference has announced countless new things for every game we like and the ones we didn't know yet. Now each of them brings updates on characters, gameplay, dates and more. And this is where you get the top gaming news of the week. Check out!

    Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 becomes backwards compatible with Xbox One

    This week the classic backwards compatibility for the Xbox One console arrived. And for those who own the Xbox 360 version disc or had already purchased the digital version, you will get immediate access for free. But those who don't have the disc or the digital version and want to enjoy playing, can buy the game for half price on the Xbox One store. The price is halved by the end of this week.

    Pokémon Quest gets a mobile release date

    Pokémon Quest is one of the recently announced titles in the franchise, which now has a release date for mobile devices: June 28. The information came from a tweet from the Japanese Pokémon account, which also states that the game will be available for iOS e Android and that it has already been downloaded 2,5 million times on Nintendo Switch. Pre-registration of the game in mobile version is now available, and it's free.

    Pre-register on the App Store or Play Store.

    Fortnite reaches a high number in revenue on iOS in just three months

    Weekly news from the gaming world (June 18-25)

    Fortnite takes second place in the ranking of the best recipes.

    great rival of PUBGthe Fortnite now achieved another feat in front of the enemy. The Epic Games game managed to raise over $100 million in revenue on its iOS version, shortly after PUBG went on sale on Steam. It was Sensor Tower who made the announcement, reporting the feat that took place in less than three months of availability on Apple's operating system, putting Fortnite in second place in the ranking.

    Download the Fortnite on the App Store.

    Assassin's Creed Odyssey full map revealed

    the new game of Assassins’ Creed which will take place in ancient Greece has already had its regions and dimensions revealed, but the map was still unknown. THE Ubisoft informed that the size of the map will be 1.6 times greater than the map of Egypt in Assassin's Creed Origins, but this time the map will have a large amount of sea across the map. Regarding activities, each region will have a different diversity of tasks to perform, as in the last title of the franchise.

    Weekly news from the gaming world (June 18-25)

    The game will be released on October 5th for PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4.

    Weekly news from the gaming world (June 18-25)

    Fortnite adds patch with new mode and stinky weapon

    In a post on its official blog, the epic Games revealed that in the next Fortnite update users will be able to play a new way with teams of 20 players that will be called "Final Fight". This mode brings a novelty in relation to the electricity field, as it stops decreasing after three times, and after that, it starts a countdown until the end of the game. The ultimate goal is to be the team with the most survivors, being able to tie.

    Already nova weapon this is an stink grenade, capable of forming a green cloud that deals damage and lasts for 9 seconds. See the new weapon in the teaser above. If you still don't know Fortnite (which is almost impossible), the game is available for free for PC, Xbox One, PlayStation 4 e Nintendo Switch

    Devil May Cry 5 will be available to play at Gamescom 2018

    Weekly news from the gaming world (June 18-25)

    One of the main games that were announced in the E3 2018 was Devil May Cry 5, but to the displeasure of fans, the game was not available for testing. However, the Capcom ended up revealing that it will feature a playable version of it on Gamescom 2018, which takes place in the city of Cologne, Germany, on 21 and 25 for August. Devil May Cry 5 terá Dante Alighieri e Black returning to the franchise, which comes out in Q2019 4 for PC, PSXNUMX, and Xbox One.

    Nintendo says it will introduce new 3DS games soon

    Nintendo ended up showing good titles for the Switch at E3 2018, but nothing for smartphones and 3DS. But that changed, as Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime spoke in an interview with IGN at the conference:

    "We will continue to focus on the 3DS and we will have new games on that platform. We will announce them and we will do that in the next few months".

    Weekly news from the gaming world (June 18-25)

    He also commented on the game Mario Kart Tour, coming soon to mobile devices:

    "Depending on the game, E3 may or may not be a good place to talk about our mobile activities. In the case of Mario Kart Tour, we've decided that we'll take another opportunity to talk more about it, especially closer to launch. way to release it by the end of this Nintendo fiscal year".

    Westworld wins mobile game

    the series of HBO that was very successful is now going to win a mobile game, made by Warner Bros. Interactive in collaboration with Kilter Films and the studio Behavior Interactive. In the game, you can manage your own park while managing the different elements of upgrades, the Hosts and the wishes of the Guests.

    Weekly news from the gaming world (June 18-25)

    The game's narrative will be based on the first season of the series, as will characters like Bernard, Dolores, Maeve, and more. Later, in a new update, the content will be updated for the second season.

    The game can be downloaded from Google Play or the App Store.

    New Minecraft trailer shows cross-play between Nintendo and Microsoft

    Nintendo published a trailer for Minecraft which shows the cross-play between Xbox One e o Switch, where each person holds the given console while playing together in the update called "Better Toguether". The trailer shows the two brands, and gives that hint at Sony, which does not participate in any project involving multiplayer between competing platforms. See the trailer below:

    Weekly news from the gaming world (June 18-25)

    Minecraft can be played on both Xbox One and Switch, as in PC, do not iOS and Android.

    Dragon Ball FighterZ Switch Version Coming West in December

    Finally the version of Dragon Ball FighterZ para o Switch will come to our side of the globe, more specifically, in Europe and in Americas on September 28. Bandai Namco was responsible for providing the information. In Japan, he will arrive a day earlier. 

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    Anyone who decides to pre-purchase the title will gain instant access to the Goku and the Vegetate in their Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan forms, and to the classic of NES Dragon Ball Z: Super Butoden, in its Japanese version. The game is already available for those who have PS4, Xbox One and PC. 

    Hey, did you like the news? Looking forward to playing any of the aforementioned games? Leave your comment!

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