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    What are NFT games?

    NFT games are on the rise. More and more players enter this market that continues to grow with new titles being released in different genres of games. Through the blockchain, these games offer cryptocurrencies to players, which means that it is possible to profit from playing these titles.

    There is controversy on the subject. While many players believe that NFT games are interesting, others don't like the idea at all and are even totally against it. There is also a growth in the interest of large companies in this market, which generates even more debates with famous developers trying to implement NFTs in their games. In this article, we explain what NFT games are.

    What are NFT games?

    A sigla NFT

    We must start with the meaning of NFT. The acronym comes from "non-fungile tokens", which in Spanish translation can be adapted to something like "non-fungile tokens". These tokens are digital items that cannot be copied or erased, for example.

    What are NFT games?

    It looks like the NFT is here to stay.

    The NFTs presented a new digital market, which already moves a lot of money. There is a lot of controversy due to the environmental impact that is caused by technology, as well as many people find the idea absurd since on the internet everything, or practically everything, can be copied.

    What serves as a differentiator for an NFT, is that even if the item is copied in some way, technically the only one that has value is the original. In this way, people pay high amounts for different types of NFTs, which can be works of art, for example. In other words, people pay for a digital certificate that proves their item is the original.

    Environmental impact of two NFTs

    One of the problems with NFTs is the environmental impact they can cause, which automatically causes many people to be against the idea. With carbon emissions due to the use of blockchain, the impact ends up appearing as the system needs a lot of energy and equipment to run and register NFTs.

    The Ethereum network, which has the most transactions, consumes 40TWh (terawatt hours) per year, which would be the equivalent of the whole of New Zealand.

    NFT Games

    With the game market growing and always trying to innovate, it seemed inevitable that the NFT would come to games. Since an NFT can be just about anything you can find on the internet, the possibilities are many. Cosmetic items, equipment, characters... developers can take advantage of NFTs in completely different ways.

    While large companies are gradually entering this market, the new fever of the moment has also made many developers come up with NFT games, that is, titles that were made solely to enter this market. These games allow players to get NFTs while playing, as in-game items, and be able to trade them in different ways.

    What are NFT games?

    Axie Infinity is one of the most successful NFT games.

    Each game appears with a type of proposal, as well as the ways to profit also vary a lot. In certain games you can sell characters that you earn by playing, while in others you use your characters to mine cryptocurrencies. The options are many.

    In general, these titles are called "play to earn", in Spanish "play to win". Basically, the more you play, the more you can profit.

    Games require investment

    Typically NFT games require an investment right from the start, with the player needing to acquire some specific amount of NFTs to begin their journey. This amount depends on each game.

    It is important to remember that bonds require different investments, and that they can also vary from one moment to the next. Starting out in a newly released game may mean that you will spend less money as the cryptocurrency will not appreciate in value yet, but it can be a bit riskier as you are not 100% sure the currency will appreciate in value. Already in established games, starting may demand a higher value with the cryptocurrency in question having a higher value in the market.

    It is also important to remember that the market can change overnight. Valuable currencies can quickly depreciate, just as a game with the potential to offer big profits may never really "take off".

    The different ways to earn

    As we said, there are different ways to profit in NFT games. For example, in some of these games, NFTs are characters that players use to mine. These NFTs typically have different classes and types, with attributes that result in a greater or lesser chance of getting cryptocurrencies faster.

    In other games, NFTs can be used in competitions between players. For example, in CryptoCars you own vehicles that are NFTs, and these cars can compete in races that will make you profit.

    In addition, in games like Axie Infinity, one of the great successes, it is possible to do a "scholarship". In the title, the NFTs are the little monsters of the players, so many decide to create accounts with several little monsters to then rent them to other players.

    In other games, NFTs can be items such as consumables, armor or even cosmetics. So players can trade these items on the market, with each NFT being something completely unique.

    As you may have already noticed, each NFT game can offer different ways to profit, which allows the player to choose which way to enjoy the game.

    famous NFT games

    Nowadays, the market for NFT games is already very big. There are many titles that have achieved success and more and more new names appear in this environment.

    Axie Infinity, Bomb Crypto and Crypto Cars are just a few examples of titles that are on the rise. Here at Techlifers, we've already made an article with the best NFT games today! Check the link below.

    5 best NFT games to make money right now

    We've also covered some specific games in detail, explaining how the titles work and how you can profit.

    • Axie Infinity: How to make money from the successful NFT game
    • BOMBCRYPTO: How to make money from the hot NFT game
    • Crypto Cars: How to make money from the NFT game

    This article is not an investment statement by Techlifers*

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