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    Who's alive... Tales of Arise appears again with new trailer!

    Who's alive... Tales of Arise appears again with new trailer!

    After a long time without new information shared with the public, finally players waiting for Tales of Arise received news about the game.

    The last information about the title had been released in December 2020, without much being revealed in fact. Since its announcement in 2019, Bandai Namco's title has remained "hidden" and little information has been released, but late last year Yusuke Tomizawa, producer of the Tales of series, reassured fans that development is going well and that more information would be released throughout 2021.

    Check out Yusuke Tomizawa's words.

    "We are getting ready to share all kinds of information in 2021. Development is going very well, so I hope you can wait a little longer to receive news. We are preparing wonderful news that will excite Tales Of fans around the world."

    Tekken director is working on Bandai Namco's ambitious project

    the new trailer

    Fulfilling what was promised by Tomizawa in December of last year, Bandai Namco really brought news to players waiting for the release of Tales of Arise.

    The video, released on Bandai Namco's official YouTube channel, shows more details about the plot of the new game. The trailer talks about Dahna's world's past, citing her disappearing wealth and prosperity. Alphen and Shionne, the two protagonists of Tales of Arise, know they must unite to fight the oppressors and free the world from all the chaos.

    The trailer also reveals that more news will arrive in the Spanish autumn.

    Check out the trailer.

    Intended to be more accessible to new players, Tales of Arise will feature an all-new story unconnected with previous titles in the franchise. The game has confirmed release for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC. Probably the title will also come to ninth generation consoles.

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