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    Will you go or not? God of War Ragnarok will be released in 2022, says journalist

    Will you go or not? God of War Ragnarok will be released in 2022, says journalist

    2022 has already started excitedly for PlayStation owners, with the launch of Horizon forbidden west. However, another great title has also caught the attention of players, although its exact date to hit the market is not confirmed.

    God of war ragnarok, a title that will continue Kratos' journey after the events of the 2018 game, is one of the big names of the year, having a lot of hype. As the franchise is the flagship of PlayStation studios, the high expectations are not surprising. Initially announcing for 2021, Ragnarok has been delayed to 2022, with many players believing that a further delay may occur.

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    Will God of War really arrive in 2022? Journalist says yes

    However, although many still expect another postponement, a new statement emerges to reassure some players. Jason Schreier, a renowned journalist at Bloomberg, stated that he believes that God of War Ragnarok will not be delayed again.

    In a session on Reddit, the journalist answered a question about the possibility of the new game starring Kratos being delayed once again. Directly, without any explanation or argument, Jason Schreier entered the matter and stated that he did not believe in a further postponement. Check out the question and answer below.

    "Not a leak or rumor, but does anyone think God of War Ragnarok might be pushed back to 2023?"

    "No" replied Jason Schreier. It is not possible to say what leads the journalist to have such a conviction, as more information and details were not shared in his response. But Jason is known in the industry for passing on accurate information.

    According to files found in 2021, God of War Ragnarok is scheduled for release on September 30, 2022. However, no information regarding the title's arrival date has been confirmed by Sony.

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