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    Xbox gets night mode in Microsoft's Insider Program

    Xbox gets night mode in Microsoft's Insider Program

    Microsoft has recently started making a new dark mode available for its Xbox consoles. However, unfortunately, the news is not available to everyone, but to Xbox Insider program participants who are in Ring Alpha Skip-Ahead. The functionality allows you to set a blue light filter to less fatigue the eyes, in addition to darker screens with brightness change.

    In addition to the new functions mentioned above, it is also possible to change the brightness of the console and controller lights.

    Microsoft says on its blog:

    "Night mode has been added as a new feature in the settings! Users can now dim and filter their screen, as well as dim the console and controller LED."

    Other Features

    Another novelty, in addition to the night mode, that Microsoft is implementing is the possibility to disable HDR when the dark mode is active, in addition to scheduling to turn the function on and off according to the player's routine.

    Only in English for now

    It is important to note that people who are testing the news through the Xbox Insider program are having access to content in English. However, it is likely that more languages ​​will be available soon.

    Fixes made in the update

    According to Microsoft, the following fixes have been applied in this update for testers:


    Fixes to resolve some applications that fail to start with error code 0x87e50001.

    Xbox Cloud Gaming

    Fixed an issue where some users were unable to launch a game.


    Various updates to properly reflect local languages ​​in the console.

    Launch and availability

    The new update for Xbox consoles is now available to Xbox Insider Program participants and should be made available to everyone in the next system update.

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