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    Xbox Series X/S are shown in Microsoft video in more detail

    Xbox Series X/S are shown in Microsoft video in more detail

    Microsoft recently released a video showing a closer look at its two next-gen consoles, the Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S. During the broadcast, the focus was on speed (to load games, switch between titles, add games to library, among other things). In addition, the redesigned user interface and several new features for players were also shown.

    During the video, after showing an overview of the home screen of the Xbox Series X interface, which has an easy way to access the games that the user is playing, in addition to purchase options, the presenters enter Gear 5. highlighted the graphical improvements of older titles, although this is tricky to show through a YouTube video.

    After getting into Gear 5, it was shown the ability to quickly resume games and switch between one and the other without waiting too long. This feature is also present on the PS5 and is due to the SSD used by both consoles. It is possible to exit and enter games from the home screen of the Xbox interface or through a tab that can be accessed at any time during the game, where it is shown what has been played recently, notifications, messages, friends list, achievements and more.

    Another interesting point is the new Xbox sharing system, where the user just presses the "share" button to capture an image or press and hold it for a while to start a video clip. The generated content is automatically saved to the user's Xbox account and it is possible to share it on social networks through the smartphone app.

    Seagate 1TB expansion card for Xbox Series X

    In the video was also shown "expansion card" of 1TB developed by Seagate that costs US$220. During the demonstration of its use, it took just 2 seconds for all titles stored in memory to appear in the library. It's definitely not cheap, but it's an interesting technology.

    What did you think of checking out more details about Microsoft's next-gen consoles? Comment below and share your opinion with us!

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