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    Young people are working less to spend more time on video games

      Young people are working less to spend more time on video games

      It is not today that games are very successful. Now, however, with the evolution of consoles, as well as the wide variety of games, this world seems to have become even more attractive, especially among the younger audience. Taking this fact into account, a survey carried out in the United States showed that video games can change the public's routine.

      According to a study by economists Erik Hurst, Mark Aguiar, Mark Bils and Kerwin Charles, young men are spending less time working to devote themselves to video games.

      According to economists, American men work less in 2015 than in 2000, with a record of 163 fewer hours of work, between the range of 31 to 55 years old. Among men aged 21 to 30, the reduction reaches 203 hours a year.

      Video games can have a great influence on groups that have more free time. Between 2012 and 2015, young people increased the average weekly time off by 2,3 hours, compared to the period between 2004 and 2007. Thus, 60% of the extra time is dedicated to games, whether online or offline, in groups or even alone.

      What is most striking is that the increase in time spent with video games appears among the range of men between 21 and 30 years old.

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