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    007 GoldenEye remaster was very close to being released

    007 GoldenEye remaster was very close to being released

    007 GoldenEye was a game that marked the industry. The shooting title developed by Rare and published by Nintendo was a great success on the late Nintendo 64. The character, very famous for his movies, stood out in games with interesting titles and became a common name in some generations.

    Now, we've been surprised by an interesting - and a little sad - piece of information. The 007 GoldenEye remaster was very close to being released, but the project was canceled before fans could get to know the title.

    According to recently leaked information, the game would be released for Xbox 360 and was already in the final stages of development, with only about 90 bugs needing to be fixed after quality testing. In other words, the title was practically ready.

    In an interview with Ars Technica, developers Ross Bury and Mark Edmonds stated that the game was canceled by Nintendo.

    "When it was put out to Nintendo, everyone approved. But they forgot to check with the only guy that mattered. I think the response we got was something like, 'No way a Nintendo game will come out on a Microsoft console."

    The 007 GoldenEye remaster had its development started between 2006 and 2007, but it was never finished.

    remaster leak

    In January of this year, a ROM of the 007 GoldenEye remaster for emulator was leaked, which allowed the project to be seen up close. Even a gameplay was released.

    Running at 60 FPS on the emulator, the remaster allows the player to choose between new and original graphics.

    The developers stated that the leaked version was not the latest build, but it was very close to the final result that would be seen by players if the title were released.

    Check out the gameplay posted on YouTube by user Graslu00.

    My name is Bond: Project 007 will have an original James Bond

    New game

    Despite the remake not having been released, luckily we have reason to look forward to a new title from the most famous agent in the world. IO Interactive, responsible for the latest Hitman trilogy, will develop its own 007 title.

    It has already been confirmed that the game will have an unpublished story and an original James Bond, following its own path without being based on any already released movie of the character.

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