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    10 black characters that make a difference in games!

    Do you think we could have more black characters in games? At the Black conscience day, such an important date, it is important to remember and, above all, to give more and more space and support to all companies that are choosing to have a high black representation in their titles.

    And stopping to think, do you know the importance of having black characters in games, movies, series and other releases? Children who see these characters in games are one of the audiences that gain the most from this representation, since they can see, as a model, an important personality with the same skin tone and similar history.

    Thinking about talking more about it, we've gathered the 10 best characters in games! Check it out right now and learn how you can use Black Awareness Day to value this culture even more.

    What does Black Awareness Day mean?

    On November 20, 1695, the death of Palmares zombie, one of the greatest leaders who fought for blacks to be freed from slavery. Despite taking place before 1700, the national holiday was only enacted in 2011, but has been celebrated since 2003 as event (important date where a deceased personality is honored). However, black people had already chosen November 20th as a day for everyone in the mid-1970s to think about the presence of blacks in society.

    10 black characters that make a difference in games!
    The death of Zumbi dos Palmares originated the day of black consciousness. Photo: Union App

    With this, it is on this date that companies, governments and even groups come together to think about how inequality between blacks and whites can be fought and, in this way, we can find ways to coexist in a society without racism.

    Black Awareness Day is celebrated only on November 20th, but understand that it is necessary to think about it at different times of the year to know if no person is suffering reprisals due to their skin tone.

    Black characters are getting more and more common

    Looking at the current scenario, it is possible to say that yes, black representation is increasing, but we still have a lot to improve. Many studios end up choosing to put black characters in games just as that type of person who will suffer racism or not have as much importance as a white character.

    10 black characters that make a difference in games!
    We still have a lot to improve, but the presence of black people in games, movies, series and other productions is increasing.
    Foto: Marvel/HBO

    One of the most important in the gaming industry that has helped children, teenagers and adults to see black people with different eyes is Miles Morales (yes, one of the Spider-Man). As you know, with the exception of Black Panther and the movie of Miles, the black hero rate is still quite low, which means companies are starting to look at this audience just now.

    Series like Lovecraft Country, whose author of the original works was involved in racist controversies at the time he was alive, are also working to make black representation even greater. Companies are finally understanding that black people can be as prominent as white people without anyone's place being taken away.

    Representation does matter!

    Choosing to put black people in the spotlight in the most successful games and franchises is a great way to provoke a discussion about representation in this universe.

    Speaking directly to the main audience for this type of content, kids who see people with a similar skin tone and background will be able to understand that it's okay to be black, despite many people saying so. Meet, now, the best black characters in games and see their importance in the titles where they are present.

    Miles Morales (Marvel’s Spider-Man)

    We couldn't talk about black characters in games without mentioning one of the heroes that won the most fans around the world. As a character who first appeared in a comic book in 2005, getting a movie as early as 2018, Miles also already has a game of his own. Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales was launched in 2020 by Sony Studios.

    10 black characters that make a difference in games!
    Miles Morales is one of the main black characters in games.
    Photo: Sony Studios

    The importance of Miles in the world of games, cinemas and comics is of extreme importance because it “speaks” and is one of the main symbols of the new generation. His film was hugely acclaimed and he also owns nothing less than an Oscar statuette for the best animated film of 2020. He's literally the hero we didn't know we needed, but with him between us, the routine gets even better. .

    Bayek de Siwa (Asssassins' Creed: Origins)

    After so many heroes with Italian, British and other countries with a good part of the population being white, one of the latest releases of the series Assassins’ Creed, which takes the name of Origins, has a protagonist of African origin who was highly praised by players. The development of your story with Aya also needs to be remembered, where it was really beautiful to see how the two complement each other, despite all the differences.

    10 black characters that make a difference in games!
    Bayek is of Egyptian origin and has conquered audiences.
    Photo: Ubisoft

    Bayek de Siwa can also be considered one of the black characters in games that we also didn't know we needed, but after spending a few hours together, we don't want to put it aside anymore. In addition to allowing a journey through Ancient Egypt, the protagonist's story makes us think that despite all the problems of inequality and poverty, it is still possible to overcome all this.

    CJ Johnson (Grand Theft Auto San Andreas)

    Being present in the childhood and adolescence of several people, in GTA: San Andreas, in addition to a satire on the formation of gangs, we are also introduced to various problems in society, such as corruption in the police and a war over drug sales locations.

    10 black characters that make a difference in games!
    How many times have you not lived the adventures of CJ?
    Foto: Rockstar Games

    CJ was one of the main black characters in games when it was still pretty dominated by white characters. He was originally voiced by the rapper Young Maylay, with the script also being created by black people: DJ Pooh (Friday, Three Strikes), Dan Houser e James Worrall. Black representation is not lacking in this title!

    Franklin Clinton (Grand Theft Auto V)

    still within the world of Grand Theft Auto, it is true that we have three protagonists in this 2013 release, but one of the most sympathetic is, for sure, franklin clinton. Trying to get out of the gang life for much of the game, he ends up becoming a getaway driver. But this does not erase the representativeness and importance of having black characters in games.

    10 black characters that make a difference in games!
    Franklin Clinton is extremely loved by gamers.
    Foto: Rockstar Games

    One of the most historic missions of franklin clinton this is when we need to take action so that cars are legally stolen (this seems antithetical, but understand that it makes sense). Before entering the life of a mobster, franklin clinton used to recover cars that were not completely paid off by their owners, but his fate changes when he realizes that, at 25, he still doesn't have the life he wanted.

    Lee Everett (The Walking Dead: A Telltale Game Series)

    As one of the most important black characters in games and also being highly praised by critics, “The Walking Dead: A Telltale Game Series” puts us to know and live the history of Lee Everett. This professor was arrested for ending up murdering the senator who was having an affair with his wife. His fate changes when a zombie apocalypse ends up on Earth, where he must now survive.

    10 black characters that make a difference in games!
    Lee Everett is a history professor who rose to prominence on the list of black characters in video games.
    Foto: TellTale Games

    Despite not being the big theme, it is possible to see passages in The Walking Dead: A Telltale Game Series that talk about the suffering of black people in the US. The main highlight of the title is the paternal relationship between Lee e C, a story that was highly praised for its development. The character's final moments weren't what we expected, making more sensitive people shed certain tears.

    Bangalore (Apex Legends)

    10 black characters that make a difference in games!
    Would you pick a fight with Bangalore?
    Foto: Apex Legends

    Going into FPS titles, we can't stop talking about characters without mentioning women, right? Apex Legends is one of the games with extremely diverse protagonists, being two women. One of them is Bangalore, which, with a lot of personality, manages to prove that black characters in games don't need to have a sad story or simply suffer racism to have the prominence they deserve.

    Mlickey e Lou (Far Cry: New Dawn)

    Who said black women can't be leaders of a big city? In Far Cry: New Dawn, we can play with the twins Mickey e Lou, who make an unbeatable duo. The real leaders of Highwaymen act together, with Mickey being more rational and Lou acting to be part of the force of society.

    10 black characters that make a difference in games!
    Mickey and Lou are leaders in Far Cry: New Down.
    Photo: Ubisoft

    Here, in addition to having a double dose of black representation, we have the leadership of two women in a title that, for the most part, is still played more by men. Black characters in games are great, but having two women is even better, right?

    Grace Walker (Wolfstein)

    Another representative for the women's team, Grace he is the leader of the American Resistance and manages to get the players' attention whenever he is on the scene. This true warrior is of African American origin and was also the leader of the Black Revolutionary Front.

    10 black characters that make a difference in games!
    Grace Walker has won fans all over the world due to its authenticity.
    Foto: Id Software

    Taking a moment to think about it, can you imagine how important this can be for all girls and even boys, to see a person of black skin be so important and have a story that sparked a true revolution of a game? Grace Walker enters our list as one of the most important names to bring about a real change in the concept of women in WWII-themed titles.

    Marlow Briggs (Marlow Briggs and the Mask of Death)

    Have you ever tried a title that looked more like a reinterpretation of other games, but with a great tone of humor? Many people consider Marlow Briggs and the Mask of Death as a true meeting of itineraries of God Of Wa and devil may cry, with the main character being transformed into a “Sacred Warrior” when on vacation in Mexico with his archeologist girlfriend.

    10 black characters that make a difference in games!
    Marlow Briggs is transformed into a great warrior by a Mayan king.
    Photo: Zootfly

    What happens next is an adventure that delivers a lot of laughs. The title was released in 2013, arriving for PCs a while later and being available to this day on Steam. What would it be like if a black man was considered a true warrior by an ancient Mayan king? That's what the title makes us think as soon as we watch the trailer.

    Barret Wallace (Final Fantasy VII)

    Closing our list of black characters in games, we couldn't help but talk about one of the most played franchises in the world, right? Despite having a build that puts any monster to run, Barret Wallace He has a great heart and wins everyone over with his good humor.

    10 black characters that make a difference in games!
    Barret Wallace goes to great lengths to save his daughter. Photo: Square Enix

    We became even more fans of Barrett when we met his daughter Marlene. The big guy does everything so that his little loved one can live on a planet without problems, sparing no efforts (and strength) to keep her safe. Black representation and a lot of love in one character.

    Get to know AfroFlix

    In addition to games, have you ever thought about supporting audiovisual works that feature black people as protagonists or involved in production? It was with this concept that the AfroFlix was developed. The platform has free access and also does not require a subscription so that you can watch movies, series and documentaries that have at least one black person as the protagonist or involved in the production.

    10 black characters that make a difference in games!
    10 black characters that make a difference in games!

    As it is a service focused on giving visibility to these types of works, you can also send suggestions for them to be placed on the AfroFlix and being able to show that movie (or any other type of content) that you think people need to watch. Access now and prepare the popcorn to understand even more about Black Awareness Day:


    Among the black characters in games that we mentioned in this article, which one is your favorite? Comment with us!

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    Sources: GAME, Tom's Guide, IGN and WikiPedia

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