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    Weak iPhone X sales blamed on price, analysts say

      The iPhone X should be the big surprise of Apple's latest release. In fact, it was, however, not because of the immense differential, but because of the value applied. Nomura analysts explained why sales of the iPhone X were so poor.

      The price, as we can imagine, is one of the big reasons, especially if we take into account that the previous generation device works very well, with good hardware and will still have software updates for years to come. In this way, changing the device for the iPhone X is very difficult.

      Weak iPhone X sales blamed on price, analysts say

      Weak iPhone X sales are blamed on price, analysts say.

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      To top it off, Apple reduced the number of sales for 2018. Anne Lee, of Nomura, lowered the iPhone X sales forecast for the first quarter of the year to around 8 million and 12 million units. This number is well below the initial forecast of 13 to 18 million.

      Longbow Research last week sent a note to customers saying that its sources within Apple's Asian supplier network believed the iPhone X was not selling well. They mentioned that the cut for the first quarter was worse than in previous years.

      Now, rumors indicate that the company will try to boost sales with the launch of an iPhone X Gold Rose. In 2019, it seems, Apple should launch a model with a fingerprint reader under the screen.

      But if the values ​​remain so high, will there be a market for Apple?


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