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    USA: Apple dominates smartwatches market

    In one year, the smartwatch market grew by 61% in sales. The data correspond to November of last year and are from the NPD Group. The numbers are based on sales in the United States and show a significant advance for Apple in the sector.

    The survey also shows that in relation to value there was a 51% increase in the amount sold, adding up to a US$ 5 billion market. The document reveals Apple as a "clear market leader", but does not specify more details, such as sales figures.

    The study shows that, in relation to age, 16% of adults have such a device, with an increase of 4% in 12 months. Already, between 18 and 34 years, the number is higher, with a total of 23%. The expectation is that the market will grow among people with more advanced ages, mainly in terms of health care.

    USA: Apple dominates smartwatches market

    Watch Series 4

    Among those interviewed, 15% stated that they use their devices to be able to control the commands of connected homes. The trend is for the sector to grow even more over the years.

    "Over the past 18 months, smartwatch sales have gained strong momentum, proving that naysayers, who didn't think the category could achieve public acceptance, would have judged too soon," said NPD Connected Intelligence Director Weston Henderek.

    Watch Series 4

    Apple last year announced its Watch Series 4, which has the ability to perform simple electrocardiogram and tumble detection tests. The system can be programmed according to the user's needs. As a result, the NPD believes that the mechanism should increasingly attract the elderly public.

    Fonte: AppleInsider

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