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    Apple users' health data may be shared with family members

    During WWDC 2021, Apple announced health-related news for iPhone and Apple Watch users. The main points were the possibility of sharing the health information collected by the cell phone and smart watch with family members and doctors, providing great ease in monitoring people with chronic health problems.

    How will it work?

    Both iPhone and Apple Watch collect health information from their users through motion and heart sensors for further user analysis. However, previously this information was mostly retained to the person's own access. Now Apple will implement tools to control and share the user's health information with family, doctors and close people. That way, when a problem occurs, people who have access to this data will receive a notification and can easily send a message or call right away.

    It is important to note that it is possible to choose which health data may or may not be shared with each selected person. In this way, the tool can be useful both for consultations with doctors and for the daily follow-up of older people or people who are debilitated due to a serious health problem.

    Apple users' health data may be shared with family members

    New system for monitoring the health of Apple users. Source: Apple
    iOS 15, what's new for iPhone in 2021

    Metric mobility

    In an attempt to prevent falls, Apple has developed a way to collect data about the stability of the user during their walks. In this way, it will be easier to predict the chances of a possible fall. In addition to showing this type of information, the app developed by the company also offers a demonstration of exercises to help improve stability. According to the company, to develop the system, data were collected through a clinical study with more than 100 participants of all ages.

    It may seem like a silly, rare thing to happen, but each year, approximately 30 million adults over the age of 65 fall. Many of these falls, when they occur with the elderly, end up causing serious injuries, generating more costs to treat these people's health.

    What do you think of this health-focused Apple initiative? If you liked it, share it with your friends and keep following us for more information about technology!

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