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    Steve Wozniak Says He Won't Buy iPhone X During Launch

      Apple was founded by the legendary Steve Jobs, Ronald Wayne and Steve Wozniak. Jobs, as we well know, died of cancer in 2011, Wayne sold his shares right at the beginning of the venture, and Wozniak travels the world giving lectures on the subject and still follows from afar all the evolution of the company that contributed to the foundation.

      Wozniak recently created an education platform to collaborate in training future programmers. Even though he's a co-founder of Apple, he still disagrees with some of the company's decisions and doesn't always want to use the brand's products.

      Steve Wozniak Says He Won't Buy iPhone X During Launch

      Steve Wozniak says he won't buy iPhone X at launch.

      25 Facts and facts about Steve Wozniak He has even been seen using smartphones from other companies, even so, the co-founder always buys a new iPhone with each release. Now, however, the situation may be different, as Wozniak does not intend to acquire an iPhone X right away.

      During an interview that this was the first iPhone that I would not buy on the day of its release.

      "I'd rather wait and watch this. I'm happy with my iPhone 8 - which is the same as the iPhone 7, which is the same as the iPhone 6, for me. For some reason, the iPhone X will be the first iPhone I haven't I made sure to buy it on launch day. But my wife is going, so I'll be close enough to see it."

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