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    10 E3 games that never came out

    Table of Contents
    1. Agent
    2. Star Wars 1313
    3. Project Milo
    4. Scalebound
    5. Eight Days
    6. The Last Night
    7. Killing Day
    8. Deep down
    9. Star Fox
    10. 100 Bullets

      A Electronic Entertainment Expo, or E3, as we affectionately call it, is the game industry's magic moment. At the event, we learned about a series of upcoming releases that will fill store shelves and take over the conversations of players. However, sometimes it also shows trailers of games that fill your eyes, but, for one reason or another, never see the light of day. As E3 is just around the corner, it's time to look back at 10 E3 games that were never released.


      10 E3 games that never came out
      Supposed publicity image of Agent. Rockstar was quite ambitious with the brand, but development problems caused it to be abandoned and forgotten.

      During E3 2007, a Rockstar, franchise owner GTA, took to the stage to announce a game that would revolutionize the way we look at games: Agent, exclusive of PlayStation 3. According to the idea presented by the company, the setting of the title would be in the mid-1970s, the height of the Cold War, and the player would transit between the world of espionage and that of assassination. The company even stated that their intention was to make everyone look to Agent as a role model for years to come.

      Today, 14 years after this announcement, some images have already fallen on the internet, but nothing more concrete has been confirmed by the company. The only thing that is known is that the Rockstar dropped the mark Agent in 2018. Whether this indicates that the game has been buried for good or if one day the game will come out, no one knows, we can only wait.

      Star Wars 1313

      10 E3 games that never came out
      The Star Wars universe is very rich and could be explored in many ways. Given the recent success of The Mandalorian series, it's notable that audiences want to consume even more content that goes beyond the Jedi.

      With an adventure focused on the bounty hunter Boba Fett at the ends of the planet Coruscant, Star Wars 1313 was announced during E3 2012. With a third-person combat system, several elements of the Star Wars universe and incredible visual effects for its time, the game was popular with the public.

      However, that same year, Disney purchased the Lucasfilm, which threw a sea of ​​uncertainty as to whether the 1313 would be released or not. The game's production was being done by the company's own studios, and Mickey's house decided that it would close its activities. That made Star Wars 1313 was canceled and hurled into the limbo of the stars.

      Project Milo

      10 E3 games that never came out
      Project Milo's Milo had a surprising level of interaction even by today's standards. This generated a series of rumors that said that the scenes shown did not correspond to reality, and this affected the image of the projector's creator, which culminated in his departure from the company.

      Before we have the Alexa, the virtual assistant of Amazon, the Microsoft believed he was going to have his own assistant. THE Project Milo was presented to the public at E3 2009, and was developed to take full advantage of the Kinect, the Xbox motion detection device, having been spearheaded by Peter Molyneux, father of the franchise Fable.

      According to the original idea, players could interact with Milo, as well as being able to talk and teach him new things. However, Molyneux left Microsoft in 2012, and the project was gradually put aside, until it was cancelled. Many accuse the Microsoft of showing surreal capabilities for Milo, especially if we consider the quality of titles available for the Kinect, do not Xbox 360.


      10 E3 games that never came out
      The idea behind Scalebound is actually pretty cool, but the circumstances that led to its cancellation are murky to this day. As today Microsoft owns many RPG studios, there is still a chance it will be released, although many fans are no longer willing to hear about its existence.

      In 2014 the owner of the Xbox featured a game that became an instant classic before it was even released: Scalebound. The game would be produced by Platinum Games and published by Microsoft, that is, a platform exclusive. One of its biggest features would be a giant open world and several RPG elements, making it extremely anticipated. In one of the videos shown, it was possible to see the hero of the game riding a dragon and then fighting with a series of soldiers.

      The anxiety for the launch was huge, however, in January 2017, the Microsoft decided to cancel the project. THE Platinum Games I have already said that there was a mistake on both sides, but even so, many speculations have already been made. In fact, no one knows the reasons that led to the cancellation. the brand Scalebound has been renewed by Microsoft, but this does not indicate that development will resume.

      A Platinum says, from time to time, that he wants to work with the brand again. However, as now the Microsoft has several studios focused on RPG, we can only believe that, if one day Scalebound return, it will be through one of the production companies she already owns.

      Eight Days

      10 E3 games that never came out
      From PlayStation 3 technical demo video to game in production to being canceled, it took well over eight days to make that decision.

      After E3 the 2005, a Sony wanted to show the power of your PlayStation 3, and so presented a trailer with a car chase and lots of gunfire. The following year, that trailer had been turned into a game, which was dubbed Eight Days.

      With action scenes worthy of the franchise movies Fast and furious, including carrying a safe around, Eight Days won the favor of the public, which was already waiting for more information. However, in 2008, the Sony went public and said he was working on a series of exclusive games, and so Eight Days entered the list of canceled games.

      The Last Night

      10 E3 games that never came out
      The Last Night has a Steam page, but there is no information on a possible release date.

      First appearing in 2017, The Last Night It was a game that appeared with no chance of being developed. Despite bringing strong sci-fi elements and being heavily based on Blade Runner, the title would deal with a number of subjects considered controversial.

      To make things even worse, one of its creators, Tim Soret, made a series of inappropriate comments on his social networks, which contributed to the game falling into limbo. In 2020, Odd Tales acquired the rights to The Last Night, but it remains to be seen whether one day we will see the game or not.

      Killing Day

      Killing Time does not have any outstanding features compared to other titles from Ubisoft itself, such as Far Cry and Rainbow Six.

      Back in 2005, the Ubisoft presented a short trailer showing a frantic first-person action game. However, after that, nothing more was shown by the company. The logo appears to have letters that use the alphabet used by Russians, so one can assume that the action would take place there.

      As there was nothing really remarkable in the trailer for Killing Day, and given the massive success seen in the franchise Far Cry, we will hardly see the game being released one day. Still, the Ubisoft renewed the brand, so everything is still open.

      Deep down

      10 E3 games that never came out
      Deep Down could follow the same path as The Last Guardian, which was announced at an E3 and wasn't released until many years later. As From Software has greatly improved its formula, it remains to be seen whether the title will live up to the expectations generated back in 2014.

      The franchise Dark Souls is hugely acclaimed, and every production company wants to have a “Souls” to call their own. At E3 2014, the Capcom presented Deep down, who would come to try to dethrone the game of From Software. With a gloomy environment and high-quality graphics, all eyes turned to it.

      However, after that, nothing more was announced. As much as everyone wondered, or charged the Capcom, Deep down it's gone. In 2019, Yoshino Ori, the company's manager, said there was still hope to see the game be released. So we just have to wait.

      Star Fox

      10 E3 games that never came out
      The Virtual Boy was heavy and uncomfortable to use, needing to be supported on a table during use. In addition, he caused a headache after 15 minutes of play, becoming one of the Big N's biggest failures.

      Nintendo has made a few mistakes in its history, but, for sure, one of its biggest failures was the terrible Virtual Boy. The device was a kind of 3D glasses from the company that showed everything in red and black. Still, Big N wanted to show support for the device, and in E3 1995 a demo of Star Fox.

      However, still during development, the game was released Red Alarm, who had an idea very similar to what would become Star Fox. Such as Nintendo saw the size of the Virtual Boy disaster and failure, she decided to cancel the project and move on with her life.

      100 Bullets

      10 E3 games that never came out
      100 Bullets was ready to be released when Acclaim went bankrupt. Later, D3Publishing acquired the rights to make a game based on the comic, but due to a series of problems, it was eventually cancelled.

      Comic-based games are always coming, and so it would be 100 Bullets, if it had been released. Inspired by the award-winning work written by Brian Azzarello and designed by Eduardo Riso, the game appeared in E3 2004 and showed gameplay clearly inspired by Max Payne.

      100 Bullets would be released in 2004, but ended up being sucked into the vortex that devastated the Acclaim, culminating in a bankruptcy filing and, as a result, many of its properties were up for auction, thus ending the company's existence and preventing the game's release.

      For more information on the world of video games, for example what to expect from the Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5, keep an eye on Techlifers.

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