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    Activision announces new Call of Duty and more remasters for 2020

    It was recently announced by Activision Chief Operating Officer Coddy Johnson that there will be one more Call of Duty game this year. The statement was made during the company's fourth quarter 2019 financial results meeting. According to Coddy, the playtests have already "generated excitement".

    It is not yet known which studio will be responsible for the new Call of Duty title

    The studio responsible for developing the new title in the franchise is not yet known, but it is believed that Infinity Ward's involvement in the project is unlikely. The developer behind Call of Duty: Modern Warfare released the game at the end of last year, and according to Activision, sales were much better than the previous game, Black Ops 4, seeing a percentage increase in about double digits. . Given this data, the company is not hopeful that this year's launch will perform as well, but there's a reason for that.

    During the aforementioned meeting, Activison Blizzard CEO Bobby Kotick revealed that more remasters are in the works after seeing the success of the Crash Bandicoot and Spyro remakes. However, according to Bobby, not all will be remakes.

    "Look out for some upcoming announcements, but beyond the pure remasters, there are many opportunities now to innovate and think of entirely new content on these IPs."

    Activision announces new Call of Duty and more remasters for 2020

    Crash Bandicoot Remake. Fonte: Activision

    But not all is rosy, and during this same meeting, Blizzard president J. Allen Brack admitted that Warcraft 3: Reforged didn't get a smooth launch.

    Fonte: PCGamer

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