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    Adeus Mi A4: Xiaomi abandons Android One program

      Adeus Mi A4: Xiaomi abandons Android One program

      If you like Xiaomi's Mi A line smartphones, which hit the market with Android One, we have bad news: the series of smartphones created by the company in 2017 to deliver a "pure" Android experience has come to an end.

      Through a statement, the Chinese manufacturer revealed that it will not launch any other devices with Android One. This means that the Mi A3, the latest model introduced in July 2019, will not have a successor, presumably called the Mi A4.

      Xiaomi did not explain why it gave up on the program created by Google, but it is quite likely that this is related to the fact that the company has faced several problems involving the software of the devices.

      On the Mi A3, for example, the company tried to release the Android 10 update more than 3 times, given that major problems were always reported by the owners, something that prevented large-scale distribution. In addition, Xiaomi also ended up discontinuing support for older models ahead of schedule, a strange decision considering that Android One's proposal was to provide faster and longer updates.

      Another company that may abandon the Google program is Motorola, after all, it has chosen to include an almost pure Android with minor modifications to deliver its gestures and services. At the moment, the only model marketed by the brand that is part of this program is the One Action.

      Interestingly, the only manufacturer that is still committed to launching Android One smartphones is HMD Global through Nokia. It remains to be seen how long Google will keep this program active in the market.

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