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    All this time we called the "X" of Dualshock wrong! Playstation unravels the mystery!

      What is the name you say when you mean the button that is on the right side and under the dualschok controller? I believe you call it "X" (letter). However, you and I are wrong and the correct would be "cross".

      All this time we called the

      The answer was given by the Playstation UK team, after the controversy was recently formed on the social network Twitter. However, of course, another discussion arose (made by the Playstation itself)





      If the Cross is called X (it is not called), what is the Circle called?"


      If Cross is called X (it's not), then what are you calling Circle?🤔

      — PlayStation UK (@PlayStationUK) September 5, 2019

      To solve this, a user explained using simply what exact words say, what geometry says.

      • "Because crosses have the same distance between each stick"
      • "Because crosses form a square"

      Because this debate grinds my gears, I'll finish it once and for all:

      - Crosses have the same distance between each stick.
      - Crosses form a square.

      - Exes don't have the same distance between each stick.
      - Exes form a rectangle.

      Basic geometry.

      — nÑ”rσ αgÑ”nt crímsσn (@SIECrimson) September 5, 2019

      All this time we called the

      But amid the responses to the initial controversy, an image emerged of an open control with the saying "fork" (which can be a fork).

      All this time we called the

      Then another user responds saying that it can be interpreted as a bifurcation (or crossroads).

      Thanks for the fake news. What fork points different directions- wait

      — Biskit (@Broomsicles) September 9, 2019

      All this time we called the

      Despite all this controversy, in the poll that Playstation did on Twitter, it showed that 81% of people who responded believe that the button calls "X". Now the question remains, what would be correct? Of course it would be "Cross" (or would it be "crossroads"?).

      What do you call it?

      - PlayStation (@PlayStation) September 7, 2019

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      Regardless, we know that the important thing is to be able to communicate, pass on what we want to our fellow players and have fun.

      Source: Twitter

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