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    Battlefield 2042 receives 3rd update: see news and fixes

    Battlefield 2042 receives 3rd update: see news and fixes

    Dice has released the third update for Battlefield 2042, with this being the biggest in the game so far. The new update arrives with the promise of completely changing the situation of the title, fixing over 300 issues that have been present since the game's launch. Improvements to all maps, audio fixes, new challenges and changes to the Portal are just some of the new features of the update.

    The update is available from today (02) for all platforms on which the game was released: PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S and PC.

    Battlefield 2042: Minimum and recommended requirements for running on PC

    What's New in Battlefield 3 Update 2042

    Gameplay improvements

    To enhance the gameplay of the game, Dice has prepared more than 150 individual fixes, minor changes and improvements to BF 2042 maps. Now, problems such as collisions or visual bugs should no longer disrupt the player's experience. In addition, specialists, weapons and vehicles gained improvements in rendering, interaction and also in audio.

    Interface improvements

    The update brought several improvements to the game's interface, such as the player world icons that now increase with distance. In addition, among the novelties, the markers to identify allies and enemies are now more visible.

    weekly missions

    From next week, weekly missions will be available in Battlefield 2042. Every new week, players will have three new missions, which they can follow from the main menu. When completing a mission the player will receive XP, and when finishing all missions of the week the reward will be a unique cosmetic item.

    Update notes


    • The recent players screen now includes all of the previous matches to allow for easier reporting;
    • Improved Interaction Button System: Changed the default "INTERACT" text in various interactions to the action you are about to perform, ie "OPEN CONTAINER", "CALL ELEVATOR" etc;
    • Fixed a speed/path issue when positioning in jets;
    • Improved helicopter animation during initial placement;
    • Improvements to resolve an issue where players killed in vehicles would fall below the level's geometry;
    • Improved loading of level elements on the splash screen;
    • The player is no longer stuck on a zipline/rope after exiting a vehicle;
    • Leaving an empty seat at the beginning of the entrance animation no longer causes your crosshairs to lock;
    • The correct field of view is applied immediately after insertion scenes.

    user interface

    • Equipment screens have been improved, making them easier to use and clearer on what you're interacting with;
    • Improved the ways you are able to manage your modifications to reduce the number of interactions you need to perform when building your equipment;
    • Gamer Card and End of Round screen improvements to provide additional polish;
    • Added new bookmarks to make your newly unlocked items easier to find;
    • More fluidity to Report Player.


    • Improved responsiveness of CommoRose opening;
    • Fixed objectives in CommoRose in Rush and Rupture.

    matchmaking and friends

    • Improved experience between End of Match and Main Menu;
    • Improved Match Search reliability;
    • Fixes for friend invites to PC gamers;
    • Enhanced Crossplay Invitation;
    • Fixed an issue where the friends list was sometimes not fully updated.

    Progression and Unlocks

    • Introducing Weekly Quests, providing set challenges that reward cosmetic unlocks;
    • Fixed an issue that was not giving Angel XP for refueling;
    • Improved overall reliability and EXP/Level logging;
    • Improved Mastery Level Tracking;
    • Added 1 Credits 1.000st Match Bonus to Hazard Zone;
    • The 3D view of vehicles now displays the correct customizations in the Collection menu;
    • Added a notification when reaching a new Mastery and Player Card level.


    • Improved a variety of visual flickering and crashing issues;
    • Fixed various graphical issues affecting water reflections;
    • Fixed issue with character rendering for players who join later in the game;
    • Improvements to artifacts that affect the implementation of DLSS;
    • Fix animation that sometimes crashed when picking up a weapon from the ground;
    • Fixed aircraft sometimes appearing with incorrect landing gear visuals;
    • Fixed PP-29 skin issues.


    • Over 150 individual fixes, minor changes and improvements to all maps;
    • Improved geometry issues on all maps, addressing issues such as players getting stuck or bogged down;
    • Various repositioning issues resolved;
    • Fixed a large number of collision and placement issues;
    • Fixed issues affecting audio localization on multiple maps.

    Battlefield Hazard Zone

    • Improvements in the visual presentation of the credit system;
    • Changed Squad and Players screen to show only your team;
    • Modified scoreboard to no longer show connected players to increase experienced tension;
    • Added additional flags at the extraction point, giving players better visibility of the extraction area;
    • Initial data capsules now have a chance to contain multiple data units;
    • Improvements in scanner accuracy and enemy identification;
    • Fixed an issue where two teams could extract simultaneously;
    • Made it easier to interact with drivers;
    • Added XP to completely eliminate an enemy squad;
    • Fixed bug that players were sometimes able to collect more than their maximum drive capacity;
    • Fixed an issue where the lobby countdown would not start if the player was eliminated;
    • Tactical items tab combined into a single tab in the lobby;
    • Fixed an issue in the lobby that made it difficult to understand which tactical items were being selected;
    • Fixed issues with audio.

    Battlefield portal

    • Simplified the design of the server settings screen;
    • Added support for server administrators to write periodic server messages;
    • Rush mode model for all BF2042 maps (via Portal);
    • New Every Vehicle for You mode model;
    • New Gun Master mode models;
    • New Infection mode model;
    • Added server information to pause menu;
    • A range of visual, audio and gameplay improvements to weapons, vehicles and equipment.

    UX improvements

    • A range of visual, audio and gameplay improvements to weapons, vehicles and gadgets;
    • Improved Menu Plus customization experience;
    • Fixed navigation issues in player card collection screen;
    • Added new options to select damage indicator color for soldiers and vehicles;
    • Added a new crosshair option to change the thickness of the damage indicator shape between: Thin - Medium - Thick';
    • Fixed color picker preview in Options menu often showing black instead of actual color;
    • Dripped objects now remain visible when occluded.


    • Adjust the amount of information in Conquest mode, reducing the amount of messages that appear on the screen so players aren't distracting as much.


    • Adjusted capture times for Break mode;
    • Fix for repositioning outside the playing area to ensure you are able to reposition more consistently safely;
    • User Interface improvements, allowing you to better track the progress of the round in the form of a game mode window;
    • Fixed an issue that could cause the End of Round screen to display inaccurate scores for the attacking team.

    Improvements in the dynamic world

    • Fixed issues for visual effects affecting late users;
    • Better interaction of SG-36 Turret and elevators;
    • Quality of life fixes and improvements to prompt interactions;
    • Resolved a large number of collision issues with large-scale animation events;
    • Improved location-based sandstorm audio experience;
    • Improved audio destruction;
    • Set time for automatic doors.


    • Added an indicator that shows nearby players who can revive you within a 50m radius when knocked down;
    • Added indicator so if someone sees you down, signal it's specifically going to revive you;
    • When low on ammo or health, friendly players within 50m will now show a resource icon above their heads, indicating that they can provide health or ammo;
    • Added health bars on enemy vehicles and enemy soldiers when looked at;
    • All player world icons now shrink with distance, making them smaller when they're far away;
    • The revive time is now visible to the fallen player when being revived;
    • Fixed a bug where fallen allies icons didn't appear;
    • Added an option that allows disabling of button prompts visible on the HUD;
    • Added message about which player healed or shared ammo with you when being healed by other players.
    • Added an icon to know the weapon firing mode.


    • Fixed issue where bots sometimes didn't revive players;
    • Improved bot combat behaviors.


    • Improved reliability of various sounds such as revive, ballistic shield, flares, wingsuit, vehicle smoke discharges and system repairs;
    • Improved shooting gun mix sound;
    • Land vehicle gear shift improvements and suspension sounds;
    • Added audio for damaged engines in vehicles;
    • It's now easier to hear the Hovercraft LCAA when you're behind the players;
    • Added a ping sound to "Request Revive" to help pinpoint your location.
    • Adjusted missile alert sound locked with missile arriving alert.


    Sundance: Grenade Belt

    • Fixed an issue where the Anti-Tank Grenade could get stuck while circling in midair;
    • Adjusted Shard Grenade behavior to ricochet once before detonating.

    Angel: Equipment Box

    • Players who need armor will now have a white outline around them to indicate that a dropped armor will go directly to the outlined player;
    • Added a unique sound when picking up an armor;
    • Now the Expert can hold down the da button to auto apply the armor;
    • The Equipment Box can now no longer be called up when under tall buildings.

    Irish: DCS Deployable Positionable Coverage

    • Fixed an issue where the DCS Coverage icon did not display correctly on the minimap;
    • Improved reliability, allowing you to position the DCS on more angular surfaces.

    Dozer: Ballistic Shield SOB-8

    • Fixed an issue where the ballistic shield did not block bullets inside an elevator;
    • Fixed an issue where the Dozer was not being targeted by Boris' Turret;
    • Fixed an issue where players were thrown into the air after being attacked by Dozers with their shield.

    Rao: Cyber ​​Warfare Device

    • Added a short grace period when something obstructs the target being hacked. This will help more often when trying to hack vehicles that may be passing in front of trees.

    Paik: EMG-X Scanner

    • Added a sound effect for victims being scanned by EMG-X;
    • The scanner should now be able to find targets above or below Paik;
    • Disabled use of scanner while inside vehicles.

    Casper: OV-P Recon Drone

    • Fixed an issue where the specialist was unable to deploy the drone while face down;
    • Improved visibility of enemies seen by drone;
    • Fixed an issue where the drone sometimes failed to lock onto enemy targets;
    • Increased drone hitbox size to make it easier to hit;

    Boris: Turret SG-36

    • The Turret will now be destroyed when the owner dies instead of when the owner is shot down;
    • Fixed an issue where the SG-36 Turret could not hit targets close to a vehicle.

    Falck: S21 Syringe Gun

    • Added "Lock On" and "Lock Off" sounds for Syringe Gun for when a target is designated by magnetism;
    • Players who need health and can receive it now have a white outline around them to indicate that the magnetism will fire at the outlined target;
    • Added visual and sound effect for when you are being healed by Syringe Gun.

    Mackay: Hook with Claws

    • Fixed an issue where the hook rope becomes misaligned in front of the device after changing FOV settings;
    • Fixed animation that could cause camera shake or not provide any animation.


    • Fixed an issue where countermeasures (flare) sometimes didn't work, causing the missiles not to explode and instead re-acquire the same target;
    • Made the exit position of vehicles more consistent;
    • Fixed an issue where Nightbird rockets hitting the ground appeared frozen;
    • Fixed an issue where a player driving the Hovercraft could not be hit through the front window;
    • Fixed an issue where vehicles took double damage when hit through glass;
    • Improved flight behavior of TOW missile projectiles;
    • Nightbird minigun balancing;
    • Fixed problems that made vehicles sometimes get stuck in the geometry of the world;
    • Gadgets no longer pause the cooldown when the player enters a vehicle;
    • Fixed an issue when a player died in a vehicle that allowed the camera to go underground.


    • Fixed some issues that prevented the visual recording of hits when shooting an enemy;
    • Fixed an issue where bullet scatter was too high when trying to shoot while aiming right after running for some Portal weapons;
    • Reduced effectiveness of NTW-50 against vehicles;
    • Fixed 8X scope with faster ADS time than others;
    • M44 revolver fixed with extra bullet;
    • Fixed an issue where the soldier could not fire after being hacked inside a vehicle;
    • Delay for switching weapons after launching a grenade reduced;
    • Fixed bug allowing unlimited ammo and rapid-fire grenades in 40mm launcher;
    • Crosshair position and brightness adjusted in PK-A and Kobra.


    • Gadgets no longer pause charging when the player enters a vehicle;
    • Glass adjusted in Orbital to allow grenades to pass through windows instead of ricocheting off players.

    CG M5

    • Fixed a bug where the CG Recoilless M5 would not lose lock on air vehicles when locked via SOFLAM.

    Explosive C5

    • Fixed a bug where C5 explosion damage was sometimes inconsistent when trying to detonate on a moving vehicle;
    • Adjusted Explosive C5 deployment time and reduced delay before allowing it to detonate to improve responsiveness.


    • Fixed an issue where the SOFLAM UI visuals were still present on the screen when switching to other zoomed gadgets.

    anti-tank mine

    • Fixed an issue that caused mines and other deployables not to trigger sound effects when deployed from inside a vehicle.

    Medical Box and Supplies Box

    • Fixed the Medical Box's healing timeout that triggered when at Full HP;
    • Greater responsiveness in the deployment of Medical Boxes and Supplies. It is now possible to play them much faster after selecting them;
    • Fixed an issue where the replenishment animation did not play in the Supply Crate.

    smoke grenade

    • Changed detonation behavior, will now "jump" once before detonating.

    repair tool

    • Fixed an issue where the repair tool could repair vehicles without facing the vehicle;
    • Improved repair tool so that it is faster to equip and store.

    Insertion Beacon

    • Fixed an issue where using an Insertion Beacon made no sound;
    • EMP now blocks spwanar on Beacon;
    • Reduced delay in applying Beacon when played.

    FXM-33 AA missile

    • The FXM-33 AA missile reload sound effect now fits properly;
    • Enhanced animation of FXM-33 AA missile reload.


    • Adjusted the soldier's animations while swimming;
    • Various visual tweaks and fixes for specialists and soldiers;
    • Fixed issues where the soldier sometimes did not correctly follow the ground when sliding;
    • Reduced the times experts can be seen with low quality animations from a distance;
    • He adjusted the posture of his legs at bedtime to prevent them from blocking his vision;
    • Fixed issues where players lying on thin surfaces could be seen floating in midair;
    • Fixed a bug where players could get stuck in ground swimming state;
    • Fixed weapon deployment animation during transition from water to land;
    • Fixed an issue where the user was able to gain speed when entering and exiting a ladder and melee hits.


    • Improved the speed at which the weapon changes when watching another player's melee attack;
    • Decreased the range at which you can fight a player;
    • Various animation, angles, and melee camera fixes;
    • You can no longer take down a soldier climbing a ladder.

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