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    Battlefield V vs Call Of Duty Black Ops 4: Which is better?

    Battlefield vs Call of Duty: This is a good comparison, after all, these two titles are always compared between gamers. With both series releasing their new titles, there will be a lot of consumers deciding which one is better between them - if it's not possible to buy both. And if you are one of those users, or just curious to know which one is better, we invite you to continue reading!

    Both Battlefield V and COD BO4 have many positives, so owning both is ideal, but it's not always possible to acquire both. You may have to choose one or the other because of your budget, and you have the money just to buy a first-person shooter. Another possibility is that you don't have enough time to play two games, so you want to buy just one of them. And of course if you're going to buy just one, let it be the best.

    Battlefield V vs Call Of Duty Black Ops 4: Which is better?

    Either way, this comparison is meant to help you decide which one is best for you. When making this decision, you should consider the seven points below.

    1. Battle Royales

    Thanks to Players Underground Battleground (PUBG), Free Fire and Fortnite, the battle royale concept took off. It became such a big deal that established franchises like Battlefield and COD knew it needed to be added to their feature sets for their latest releases.

    However, there is a problem. COD BO4 fans have been enjoying the battle royale mode (Blackout) since the game's launch. Battlefield V's Storm of Fire won't be available until March 2019. If battle royale is a big deal for you, that might mean you won't enjoy Battlefield V as much until mid-2019.

    As it will be a while until Firestorm launches, you may be able to grab COD BO4 now and still get Battlefield V in March, when you can participate in the Battle Royale experience.

    Recomendamos: Call Of Duty Black Ops 4

    Battlefield V vs Call Of Duty Black Ops 4: Which is better?

    Call Of Duty Black Ops 4

    2. Single player campaign

    One of the best things about Battlefield V is War Stories, the series' single-player campaign mode. The stories are a bit short but are well presented with excellent graphics, voice acting and dialogue. 

    Ops 4 is the first game in the Call Of Duty series that doesn't have a traditional campaign mode. Instead, it has solo missions that focus on the various specialists in the multiplayer mode. If you're a gamer who enjoys this single-player experience, chances are Ops 4 won't quench your cravings.

    Recomendamos: Battlefield V

    Battlefield V vs Call Of Duty Black Ops 4: Which is better?

    Battlefield V

    3. Freedom of play

    COD is a game with a history of giving more individual freedom, and it's an experience that Battlefield has always lacked. Battlefield games are all about teamwork, and the FFA goes against that concept, but it's still a lot of fun.

    If you like a little FFA, then Battlefield doesn't offer that as an option.

    Recomendamos: Call Of Duty Black Ops 4

    Battlefield V vs Call Of Duty Black Ops 4: Which is better?

    Call Of Duty Black Ops 4

    4. First-person game in WWII

    World War II was by far the most duplicated battle in video game history. But this can get tiring over time. Depending on which side you're on, this could have an impact on your decision to buy Battlefield V. It's set in WWII, but to its credit, it's not the usual drama and combat typically associated with WWII. Many of the smaller battles and stories are explored.

    Ops 4 is based on combat in the very near future, and the look and feel matches the era it finds itself in. This is a matter of preference, one is not better or worse than the other. It just depends on what you're in the mood for at this point in your gaming life.

    We recommend choosing according to taste

    Battlefield V vs Call Of Duty Black Ops 4: Which is better?

    Battlefield V vs Call Of Duty Ops 4

    5. Shopping

    It's pretty safe to say that no player wants to pay for extra features. And Battlefield V has that advantage. After EA experienced a huge amount of backlash for its loot boxes, and like Star Wars Battlefront II, it positioned Battlefield V as its peace offering with the community. The game has no premium pass or loot boxes. All progression comes from in-game achievements, with the exception of some cosmetic purchases for your character and weapons.

    Ops 4 has a $39,99 Season Pass that gives you access to a variety of items, including several new maps after launch. If there's a season pass worth it, the Ops 156 take might be the only take, but it's still additional money on top of what you've already spent to start the game.

    Recomendamos: Battlefield V

    Battlefield V vs Call Of Duty Black Ops 4: Which is better?

    Battlefield V

    6. Graphics

    Even when the eyes are the main sense used to enjoy video games, graphics will be very important. If you're an avid lover of beautiful graphics, you'll likely be surprised by Battlefield V's expansive setting, with computer-generated lighting and depictions of war. It is one of the most beautiful first-person shooter games today.

    That said, Ops 4 is nowhere near the competition. Battlefield V will probably surprise you when it comes to graphics.

    Recomendamos: Battlefield V

    Battlefield V vs Call Of Duty Black Ops 4: Which is better?

    Battlefield V

    7. Gameplay

    The gameplay in both games is really good, but the team component is more prevalent in Battlefield V. That said, nothing compares to the general fluidity you see in Call Of Duty Black Ops 4. a little better in Ops 4.

    If this is the most important point for you, the choice may have been much easier than we imagined.

    Recomendamos: Call Of Duty Black Ops 4

    Battlefield V vs Call Of Duty Black Ops 4: Which is better?

    Call Of Duty Black Ops 4


    Check out the summary of this comparison below:

    question CODE Ops 4 Battlefield V
    battle royales X  
    single player   X
    freedom of play X  
    Segunda Guerra Mundial X X
    Shopping   X
    Graphics   X
    Gameplay X  
    Total 4 4

    As you can see, we have a tie. The central question is what is important to you. If you're looking for amazing graphics, Single-player mode and a game free of extra purchases, we recommend you buy Battlefield V.

    Now, if gameplay is important to you, the freedom to play individually or if you love the Battle Royale style, don't even think twice. Buy Call Of Duty Black Ops 4 soon.

    We hope we have helped to solve your doubts, but if you have other questions that you were not able to clarify, leave them in the comments and we will try to answer as soon as possible.

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