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    Call of Duty Warzone has over 6 million players in the first 24 hours

      Call of Duty Warzone has over 6 million players in the first 24 hours

      Call of Duty Warzone was released earlier in the week, more specifically on Tuesday morning. Since then, Call of Duty Modern Warfare fans will flock to play the battle royale.

      Recently, the official account of Call of Duty on the social network Twitter, reported that the new battle royale mode of Modern Warfare already had more than 6 million users just 24 hours after its launch. Obviously the number is growing more and more as the download of the game ends (it can be installed individually, it is not necessary to have any other game from the CoD franchise to play). The total size of the files varies between 18GB and 22GB depending on the platform being downloaded.

      What a day! 24 hours in and over 6 million of you have dropped into #Warzone.

      Thank you – we’re just getting started.#FreeCallofDuty

      — Call of Duty (@CallofDuty) March 11, 2020
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      If we add the amount of data downloaded from the 6 million users of Warzone, assuming that each one has downloaded 18GB of data, we will have a total of 108.000.000 GB or 108 petabytes. This volume of files downloaded, in just 24 hours, through Activison's servers, is insane. Remembering that the value of 108 petabytes is the minimum downloaded, because depending on the platform, the amount of data is greater, that is, there were probably more than 150 petabytes downloaded in 24 hours.

      It is important to note that this total of data downloaded is considering that players who downloaded Warzone already had Call of Duty Modern Warfare installed. If the user does not have the game, he will have to download something between 83GB and 102GB instead of 18GB to 23GB.

      What do you think of the data revealed about Call of Duty Warzone? Comment below and share your opinion with us.

      Fonte: tweaktown

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