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    Chrome 68 will now flag HTTP sites as not secure starting today

      Google, back in February of this year, had already revealed that the stable version of Chrome that would be released in July would now flag the entire HTTP site as being insecure. Now, as of this Tuesday (24), Chrome will use the measure as the default.

      The reason for this is the increase in the adoption of HTTPS, precisely because of the availability of free SSL/TLS certificates. Browser developers were also already encouraging websites to move to HTTPS, which is more secure than HTTP.

      Chrome 68 will now flag HTTP sites as not secure starting today

      Chrome 68 will now flag HTTP sites as not secure starting today.

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      For those who are not fully familiar with the subject, the term HTTP is an internet browsing protocol. In a simplified way, such a protocol is necessary for users to be able to browse websites and pages. HTTP, even though it has been popular for a long time, is considered insecure and is therefore being replaced by HTTPS. Because it has encryption, HTTPS provides greater security in protecting the exchange of information between users and the website, thus preventing possible interception by third parties.

      Chrome 68 is the first stable version of Google's browser that has started to adopt the measure. Thus, the tendency is for a greater number of sites to end up migrating to the more secure standard. Given the great popularity of Chrome, no one would want their site to be seen as unsafe by users.

      It is worth mentioning that the unsecured message will also appear on sites that are HTTPS, but have not been properly configured. The same is true for pages that do not automatically redirect the user to the HTTPS page if he tries to visit the old HTTP version.

      In September, a new stage of the transition should take place. Considering the trend of more and more websites adopting HTTPS, it is natural to give so much prominence to the Safe warning for pages that use the technology. With this, Chrome will only display a gray padlock instead of a green one.

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