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    No sweets this time: Simply Android 10

    Traditionally, new versions of the Android operating system are named with a letter, and that letter is the name of a dessert or a sweet. In addition, the letters that give the name of the candy in question, follow an alphabetical order. But this time, it was difficult for Google to find a dessert with the letter Q, which would be next in line.

    The naming of Android versions was proving to be a challenge for Google, as, for example, the letters L and R are not differentiated in some languages. And as you know, the whole world uses the operating system.

    The logo was also changed from green to black. That's why the company created a new set of contrast-enhancing color combinations. It's a small change, but according to Google, green was difficult to read, especially for people with visual impairments. The last Android logo update was in 2014.

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    No sweets this time: Simply Android 10

    10 Reasons Android 10 Doesn't Have a Candy Name

    1. It's hard to find a good Q dessert name
    2. Q is the 17th letter of AZ, in an alphabet of only 26 letters, which limits the company.
    3. AZ is not universal, but 0-9 is more universal (in more languages)
    4. Now there is version, codename and API level.
    5. Android X has already been used.
    6. If you check the name of the dessert used, it started with Apple Pie (Android A) and will end with Pie (Android P). So it literally starts and ends with the same dessert.
    7. It's the 10th version
    8. The iPhone 10 was called iPhone X. So for Android there are no repeating issues when using the name Android 10.
    9. Desserts are usually unhealthy.
    10. Android has grown, and dessert is for kids. Android will be 12 in November, and soon to be a teenager.

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    If you have another idea of ​​a legitimate reason why this Android version doesn't have candy name, feel free to share it in the comments.

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