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    Chrome 94 is coming out: What's new?

    Since yesterday, Tuesday (21), Google has been making a new update available for its browser. This is Chrome 94, which arrives marking the beginning of updates that occur in the browser every 4 weeks. Among the improvements, the main novelty is in the sharing hub, where the user can quickly copy links, generate a QR code, send and save pages.

    Generally, Google usually updates Chrome's stable channel every 6 weeks for residential customers and 8 weeks for business users. In this new browser version, security improvements, bug fixes and new features have been implemented.

    Google wants users to stay up to date

    To help users keep Chrome up to date, Google is launching a website called " "What's New"" for the desktop version of the browser. This solution is similar to the "Explore" app on Chrome OS.

    In addition to the Pixel 6, tablets and Chromebooks will have Google's own chips

    Modo HTTPS-First

    In both the desktop and Android versions, the HTTPS-First mode is used to load HTTPS sites and show a warning on pages that do not support it.

    Sharing Hub in Chrome

    It is now possible to copy links and share them quickly through a QR code or even sending them to other places like Twitter or Facebook. You can also save shared pages. To manually activate this feature, simply copy and paste the following link into your browser's address bar:

    chrome: // flags / # sharing-hub-desktop-omnibox

    Chrome 94 is coming out: What's new?

    Sharing Hub in Chrome 94. Source: 9to5google

    Other news

    Chrome 94 now has support for downloading ".mobileconfig" files.

    What do you think of the new version of the Chrome browser? Did you like it? Share with your friends on social media!

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