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    Chrome OS will allow Android apps to run in parallel

      Through the next OS update, the experience of using Android apps running on Chrome OS will be much better. The novelty will include the possibility for such applications to run in parallel, without any interruption or even loss of data.

      Soon the system will be compatible with Snapdragon, and Android apps will behave as if they were running on a mobile device, such as a smartphone or even a tablet, and are paused when they are not active on the screen.

      Chrome OS will allow Android apps to run in parallel

      Chrome OS will allow Android apps to run in parallel.

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      On mobile it is quite effective, as it saves battery, however, on desktop it can be a bit uncomfortable. When users switch between screens on a computer or notebook, they generally want everything to be where it was before.

      New this time is that ChromeUnboxed discovered that Chrome 64 beta has a toggle in the menu for developers in Android preferences. This option is to "enable parallel running of tasks", so when checked, Android apps behave like desktop apps.

      In the video made by the people of ChromeUnboxed it is possible to see several applications running in parallel, and all without any apparent problem. Well, that being so, it is quite likely that the feature will appear soon in the stable version.

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