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    Company of Heroes 2 free for PC

      Company of Heroes 2 free for PC

      Famous for the traditional offers the Humble Bundle, this time it is offering the game Company of Heroes 2 for free, for PC, but it runs until tomorrow December 16th.

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      To add the game to your Steam list, just access the official Humble Bundle page and add the game to the shopping cart, to confirm the entire procedure, you must provide a valid email address, for account creation, or if If you already have a Humble Bundle account, just log in to complete your purchase. A confirmation email will be sent to you, then just get the code and redeem the game on your Steam.

      Company of Heroes 2 was released in 2013 and is a real-time strategy game, developed by Relic Entertainment, the game has very positive reviews on Steam. Originally it costs R$36,99, and until tomorrow 16/12 it's free. You won't miss this one, right, a new game in the library is always cool, so it's free.

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