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    Cyberpunk 2077 gets gameplay showing next-gen gameplay

    Cyberpunk 2077 gets gameplay showing next-gen gameplay

    With just over two weeks to go before the release of Cyberpunk 2077, December 10, the studio responsible for its development, CD Projekt Red, shared a gameplay of the game running on PlayStation and Xbox consoles to make fans even more excited for the launch of the game. RPG. The video shows the graphical differences using the current generation of Playstation, the PS4 Pro, and the next generation console, the PS5, but a version in compatibility mode for the PlayStation 5 is shown.

    The reason for showing a version of Cyberpunk 2077 in compatibility mode on PS5 is due to the fact that CD Projekt Red intends to release a substantial update for the next generation consoles in 2021. After this big update, players will be able to enjoy all the the potential of consoles and the game. However, until this moment arrives, we can enjoy the game as it is now, where, amazingly, it has excellent results!

    In the video, it is possible to notice some differences between the version for PS5 and Xbox Series X, where there is ray-tracing in action, giving more life to objects in Cyberpunk 2077. Unfortunately, in the video it is not shown what the game will look like on regular PS4 and Xbox One.

    The differences between classes and paths in Cyberpunk 2077

    Launch and availability

    Cyberpunk 2077 will be released on December 10th for PC, PS4, Xbox One, PS5, Xbox Series X/S and Stadia platforms.

    Minimum requirements to run Cyberpunk 2077 on PC

    After being delayed again due to the sheer number of platforms to cover, Cyberpunk 2077 has finally gained some good news. Recently, CD Projekt Red revealed the minimum requirements to run the game on PC. Check it out here!

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