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    Cyberpunk 2077 gets new patch that fixes patch 1.1 bug

    Cyberpunk 2077 gets new patch that fixes patch 1.1 bug

    Last week, the studio responsible for Cyberpunk 2077, CD Projekt Red, released an update patch for the game, but unfortunately it ended up generating another error in the game, preventing some users from finishing the story. Fortunately, a new patch was announced by the developers today that fixes this bug that was occurring, in addition to other bugs that were occurring with loot randomization.

    Hotfix 1.11 released today fixes the "Down on the Street" mission in Cyberpunk 2077. The game update is coming to PC, consoles and Stadia. The mentioned mission is one of the main missions of the game and it is necessary to do it to advance in the game.

    When Cyberpunk 2077 was released, the game arrived with a lot of bugs, but this bug was added during the cleanup process. CD Projekt Red explains it by saying:

    "Occurred with some players during a holocall with Takemura, when using a save made in version 1.06 with Down on the Street quest in progress in the objective 'Wait For Takemura's call'. After loading a save in version 1.1, the holocall would have no options dialog and block interactions with other NPCs."

    As a way to fix the problem (which didn't exist before patch 1.1) temporarily (when the error occurred), the studio suggested players to speed up the clock by one day to make the call work properly. However, unfortunately, players had to save just before the bug occurred in order to do so.

    Major Fix Patches for Cyberpunk 2077

    Patch 1.1 was the first of two major patches expected in early 2021 to improve game performance, particularly in the case of PS4 and Xbox One. The second patch will be released "a few weeks after" the first. In early January, CD Projekt Red co-founder Marcin Iwiński appeared in a video personally apologizing for the game's troubled launch.

    Have you downloaded the bug fix patch? Comment below how your experience with Cyberpunk 2077 has been.

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