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    FCC files show that Nintendo Switch will have a new version in 2021

      Nintendo Switch registration documents were recently detected at the FCC (the US telecommunications and broadcasting regulatory body), confirming rumors that Nintendo would be planning a new version of the console for 2021. that a video game capable of supporting 4K resolution will be released, information reported by The Verge and Bloomberg websites.

      According to the Bloomberg website:

      "Specifications for the new machine have yet to be finalized, although the Kyoto-based company has looked into adding more computing power and high-definition 4K graphics, people briefed on the strategy told Bloomberg News, asking not to be identified because it is Nintendo faces stiff competition for players' attention this fall as the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X are expected to arrive in time for the shopping season."

      In the FCC records there is a description of the change in the SoC and the RAM memory of the Nintendo Switch. Due to these hardware changes, Nintendo will change the console's CPU. In the FCC application document, Nintendo says:

      "This is to apply for a Class II permissive change to FCC ID: BKEHAT002, originally granted on 18/04/2017 and all of its permissive changes. We have changed the following points from the original template.

      - SoC change

      - Memory change

      - CPU board is changed due to the above two components"

      According to the information mentioned above, it seems that the design of the Nintendo Switch will not change, keeping the update only at the hardware level. Nintendo even clearly described this issue in speech:

      "Since there is no change in the cabinet shape and layout of components related to RF characteristics, including the antenna, between the original model and the new model, SAR testing on the new model is not required and is waived."

      In the FCC registration file there are also photos of the internal structure of the Nintendo Switch, where the changes that will be made in the 2021 version for the console are pointed out. Check out one of the published images below.

      FCC files show that Nintendo Switch will have a new version in 2021

      Photos from the FCC files showing the changes that will be made to the Nintendo Switch SoC and memory. Source: FCC

      The new Nintendo Switch log files appeared in the FCC files on August 23rd. So far, Nintendo has not yet confirmed about the arrival of a new version of its console. Follow Techlifers for more news!

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