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    Final Fantasy XIV bans 5 players for trading with real money

    Final Fantasy XIV bans 5 players for trading with real money

    Last week the studio responsible for the development of Final Fantasy XIV banned approximately 5000 player accounts due to activities deemed illegal by the game's terms of service. In a statement on the Square Enix website, there is a notice from the publisher reminding players that trading using real money and other illicit activities that disrupt the game are prohibited and will lead to account bans.

    According to the game's developer of the Final Fantasy franchise, "the existence of players who are involved in illicit activities has been confirmed". With that, the studio closed a total of 5037 accounts in the period from February 25th to March 3rd.

    In the statement published by Square Enix it is said:

    "Players who discover any confirmed cheats should under no circumstances exploit or disclose such information. Instead, we ask that players file a report using the in-game command [System Menu] -> [Tech Support] -> [ Contact Us] -> [Cheating Report].

    In addition, any witnessed RMT announcements can be reported by right-clicking the character's name in the chat log and selecting the [Report] -> [RMT Activity Report] menu. The report will be processed automatically, and if certain RMT advertising, the reported character's comments will be restricted."

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    Studio promises that it will strive to maintain the measures respected by players

    Square Enix, in its post, promises that it will "continue to take strict disciplinary action against any accounts with confirmed involvement in RMT/unlawful activity" and advised players to "avoid any activity" that violates the terms of service.

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