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    Google ends 3.200 million ads considered bad

      Last year, Google eliminated more than 3.200 million "bad ads". The number represents four times more than in 2015, according to a report presented by the company itself.

      In the report there is information about the number of incorrect ads that were disabled last year due to bad practices and also the sites that ended up being removed.

      Google ends 3.200 million ads considered bad

      Google ends up with 3.200 million ads considered bad.

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      To top it off, the report details Google's new policies to end economic incentives that "support malicious ads and websites and those that promote misleading advertising and inappropriate content."

      "As new threats emerge, the company updates its policy or designs new ones to protect users and the advertising ecosystem," explained Jessica Stansfield, global director of product policy at Google.

      To keep Google's entire digital advertising ecosystem safe, thousands of employees work towards it. In 2017, the company blocked more than 12 websites.

      The company also suspended more than 1.400 AdWords accounts that contained "ads that appeared to mislead users as if they were new, compared to the 2016 it dropped in 130." In addition, last year more than XNUMX million ads with "malicious activity or that attempted to deceive and bypass Google's ad review processes" were also removed from the platform.

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