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    Google is developing two devices with Fuchsia OS

      Google's operating system, Android, may have its days numbered. According to rumors, the company has been working on a replacement for the current system since August 2016. Even though almost two years have passed, Fuchsia, it seems, will not arrive anytime soon.

      Anyway, Google is already working on two models with the new platform. The models, which are still prototypes, do not yet have a release date.

      The possible devices, called Gauss and Astro, were found in Fuchsia kernel code, Zircon, which has a list of hardware manufacturers including Intel, Broadcom, Amlogic, among others, and even Google prototypes.

      Gauss is the first device that appears in the operating system's Kernel code. Recent indications indicate that it will have an Amlogic A113 processor and 1 GB of RAM.

      Google is developing two devices with Fuchsia OS


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      According to the hardware manufacturer, Amlogic, the chipset is aimed at audio applications, such as smart speakers. With that, indications reveal that Google is working on an audio device in the same style as Google Home that will run with Fuchsia OS.

      The second prototype is Astro was also found in the Fuchsia Kernel codes. According to information, the future device will feature the Amlogic S905D2 chipset. It is manufactured in 14 nanometer lithography and with a speed of up to 1.9 GHz, this processor is aimed at devices with Android TV.

      The system is being built autonomously by Google with its own core that is not based on Linux, like Android, but which will run applications from the company's current system.

      Apparently, Google's idea is that Fuchsia can run on all devices, from smartphones to computers.

      News should appear later this year, even so, there is still no indication that Google can present the operating system soon.

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