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    Google Maps Announces New Tools Using Augmented Reality and More

    Google has announced a number of new features for Google Maps. Available for both Android and iOS, these news will help - and a lot - tourists out there. They are: store and access all reservations within the app, be guided by augmented reality, find and book restaurants via Maps and share your experience with friends and family.

    According to the company, the new tools should be available on all devices over the next few weeks. Just one of the features, Timeline, which will only be available for Android. 

    Reservations in one place

    The first new tool announced by Google is booking. Entering Google Maps, clicking on the upper left corner of the screen and on "Your Places" (or Your Places, in Spanish), the user will come across a tab called "Reservations" (or Reservations). 

    There the app will gather all scheduled flights, hotel reservations and more! That way, the user doesn't have to be desperately chasing emails when checking in somewhere.

    Oh, the best of it all? The feature works offline. That is, even if you are going to travel internationally without an internet package or if you are somewhere with no signal, you can access your reservations. 

    chasing the arrows

    As a tourist, nothing is more common than getting lost mainly on foot - and even with a map. Now, Google has developed a tool using augmented reality to save the lives of people who actually need a GPS all the time.


    Google Maps Announces New Tools Using Augmented Reality and More

    Well, just point the cell phone where it is and arrows automatically appear showing the way! It's kind of like Pokemon Go, only instead of Pokemons, they're arrows - and you don't have to hunt anything, just follow directions. 

    eating just got easier

    Another tool announced by Google involves one of the best things in the world: food. Now, the user can not only search for nearby restaurants, but also see their wait time and even book a table without leaving the app.


    As if that weren't enough, the app can even find restaurants based on the user's taste and also based on famous local dishes. 

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    Sharing experiences

    The new version of Maps brings an improved Timeline. It is now possible to see all the places the user has been in a city or country and even filter the photos by categories such as restaurants, attractions, shops, etc. - plus, of course, sharing with friends and family.

    Google Maps Announces New Tools Using Augmented Reality and More


    This feature is the only one that will only be available for Android.

    Source: Google

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