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    Google Maps will soon receive a function that allows you to draw changes on the map

    Google Maps will soon receive a function that allows you to draw changes on the map

    If you travel a lot, chances are you've found areas where a road or street simply doesn't exist. To solve this problem, Google is implementing a tool to edit Google Maps by adding missing roads, aligning existing elements, renaming when something is wrong and deleting what is incorrect. The company called the functionality "drawing".

    When it is necessary to correct something in Google Maps, currently it is only possible to mark the place where the road should be and type the name of the same so that the information is sent to Google. With the new tool, the procedure should become easier and more intuitive.

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    Of course the editing tool will not make you able to definitely change the map. There will be an evaluation step by Google so that the corrections are validated if they are true. According to the information, it can take approximately seven days for the company to review the submission of the changes made.

    Other news

    In addition to editing maps, Google Maps will also have a new feature called "update photos", where the user will be able to share small details about a place without having to leave their information. You will be able to add images of a location, as well as see photos with some texts that other people have sent.

    Availability and release

    According to Google, the news will arrive on Google Maps in the coming months in more than 80 countries.

    What did you think of the news? Were there many places where you felt the need to change the map in Google Maps? Comment below and share your opinion with us!

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