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    Google Now Launcher is no longer compatible with most devices

      Google, over time, has been abandoning the Google Now Launcher. However, what was just evidence became a reality. The Google Now Launcher was a big news in 2012 when it arrived on Nexus devices. Users eagerly awaited its arrival on the Play Store, many of them even resorted to a clandestine APK to be able to access Google's launcher. Six years later, the feature is saying goodbye.

      As per information, Google actually decided to abandon the Now Launcher for good. When entering the Play Store, most devices will receive the message: "Your device is not compatible with this version".

      Some users reported that the warning appears for almost all devices on the market, therefore, only some models can still download the app from PlayStore.

      Regarding all this, the demise of the Google Now Launcher has really started to circulate around the web in the last few days. Google, however, has not yet commented on the matter.

      Google Now Launcher is no longer compatible with most devices

      Google Now Launcher is no longer compatible with most devices.

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      It is worth mentioning that users who use Google Now Launcher on their smartphone or tablet should not notice any change. However, if it is removed or even the device is reset, it will most likely not be possible to install it again.

      If it stops receiving updates, the ideal is to migrate to options such as Nova Launcher, Action Launcher, Smart Launcher, Apex Launcher, Microsoft Launcher, among others available.

      The Google Now Launcher, as we know, for a long time remained on several devices that had the idea of ​​presenting an interface closer to the old Nexus line.

      As Google has not yet commented on the matter, we still cannot be certain about the end of Now Launcher, so we must wait for an official position from the search giant.

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