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    Google offers rewards for those who find faults in apps on its store

      Some tech companies offer rewards to anyone who finds vulnerabilities in applications or even systems. The measure is very effective, as it benefits those who found it and makes everything more reliable.

      Google, with the intention of making Android increasingly secure, in addition to rewards for those who find problems in the code of the operating system itself, also wants to encourage developers to find flaws in applications.

      Google offers rewards for those who find faults in apps on its store

      Google offers rewards to anyone who finds glitches in apps on its store.

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      On Thursday (19), during Playtime, a program for developers, the company launched the Google Play Security Reward, which will pay up to US$ 1.000 to anyone who finds vulnerabilities in Android applications, in addition to the amount paid by the company itself, which is responsible for the application.

      Initially, only a few select apps are within the scheme: Alibaba, Dropbox, Duolingo, Headspace, Line, Snapchat and Tinder. In the future, the idea will include others, until it extends to all developers who want to participate in the program.

      Google makes it clear that it wants to know about the breach only after it is fixed. Only then will the hacker be able to ask for the money.

      The program is also aimed at those who find breaches that put the security of applications and their users at risk. Therefore, failures such as menu items not working, interface objects out of place, for example, are not of interest to Google.

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