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    Google plans to introduce new authentication features for Android apps and services

      Google plans to introduce new authentication features for Android apps and services

      When we talk about passwords, the ideal is that they are long, with different characters and preferably random. Also, they must be unique for each service. However, we know that the reality is different and that users end up opting for simpler combinations and still use the same passwords on several platforms.

      The news is that Google intends to make life easier for users. The company has entered into an important partnership, a global alliance that aims to standardize the most sophisticated and secure security methods.

      The FIDO Alliance is an industry consortium created in 2012 with the aim of "remedying the problems users face when creating and remembering multiple usernames and passwords". 

      "Google has long been working with the FIDO Alliance and the W3C to standardize the FIDO2 protocols, which give any application the ability to go beyond password authentication to provide protection against phishing attacks." Said Christiaan Brand, an executive at Google.

      Google, through the Play Store Services, should release new authentication features that allow developers to implement login standards through biometrics in their products, as well as unlocking standards from the open source system.

      The companies, through a statement, said that the idea is to provide strong and secure encryption, as well as greater transparency to the user, with protection from internet scams.

      Google did not reveal a timeline for delivering the new APIs to developers. It is worth mentioning that the idea is to provide even for Android 7 Nougat.

      Source: 4gnews

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