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    Google Play will reward users who watch ads and videos in games

      As we well know, advertisements rule the business world. Taking into account the fact, Google announced this Thursday (07) the Rewarded Products (Awarded Products, in free translation), a simpler way for Android game developers to raise money through Google Play.

      Thus, players end up having several advantages, including opening new stages of a game or gaining special content. For that, they need to watch related videos and view ads for a few seconds.

      The novelty has been a trend experienced by games and applications and has generated a positive result in revenue generation. According to Google, developers of free games will be able to make more money from ads, and the format is suitable for gamers who do not usually make in-app purchases.

      Google Play will reward users who watch ads and videos in games

      Google Play will reward users who watch ads and videos in games.

      The award-winning products can be added to any app using the Google Play billing library or the AIDL interface with just a few additional API calls, says Google. It will not require an SDK.

      The Beta version of the program is now available and can be applied to any application using the Google Play Billing Library or the Android Interface (AIDL). Advertising includes a wide variety of content.

      Even so, the gamer can refuse to receive full-screen ad videos. Mobile app store revenues are projected to reach $71,7 billion by 2020.

      Source: TechCrunch

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