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    Google works on a feature that should make Chrome faster

      Google is working on a feature that should make Chrome faster when browsing. Called "Never slow", the new tool should help users in places where the internet is usually slower, which makes accessing websites difficult.

      Faster browsing can be achieved by setting restrictions on the size of resources that will be loaded. As a result, when setting size limits, information that exceeds the specific setting would not be loaded and thus access would be faster.

      Google works on a feature that should make Chrome faster

      Google is working on a feature that should make Chrome faster.

      Google is already testing the limits for templates, script images and fonts, with a current limit of 2 megabytes.

      The feature is described as an "experimental browsing mode that restricts resource loading and runtime processing to provide a consistently fast experience".

      Thus, never-slow mode blocks large scripts, sets maximum memory limits for some resources, and turns off the documnet.write function.                                                                   

      For now, there is no release date for the feature, however, it is believed that it could happen soon. Google has already demonstrated that Chrome is one of its priorities and should continue to be, mainly because it is the dominant browser in the market.                                                                                                                             

      Source: 4gnews

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