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    Halo Infinite 2 Won't Happen, Says 343 Industries

      Halo Infinite 2 Won't Happen, Says 343 Industries

      The studio behind Halo, Bungie, is known to be obsessed with the number seven. It is for this reason that there are seven Halo rings and these references can be found in both this franchise and Destiny. However, as studio 343 Industries is currently responsible for Halo, it appears Bungie will no longer have a chance to see "Halo 7" made.

      Currently the studio responsible for the Halo franchise is the studio 343 Industries and it is currently developing the title Halo Infinite for Microsoft's next generation console, the Xbox Series X. Upon revealing the game during the Xbox Games Showcase, the head of the Halo Infinite Studio Chris Lee said that the title that will be released for Xbox Series X will be the last standalone release in the franchise considering the near future. Chris says:

      "Halo Infinite is the beginning of our platform for the future. We want Infinite to grow over time, rather than going into these numbered titles and having all this segmentation that we had before. It's really creating Halo Infinite as the beginning of the next ones. ten years for Halo and then building on it as we move forward with our fans and community."

      Although it has been said that the intention is to enjoy Halo Infinite for many years to come, it is not to say that it is a live service game like Destiny. However, we can expect new experiences to come within Infinite. 343 Industries has already confirmed that Halo Infinite will receive a free update that will support ray-tracing shortly after the game's release.

      What did you think of the choice 343 Industries made for the Halo franchise? Comment below and share your opinion with us!

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