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    Has anyone played the Playstation 5! Check out the report!

      The new generation of Sony's console, the Playstation 5, is being eagerly awaited by many. Several information has already been revealed, such as the release period and some of its specifications, but it was not sure what it would look like. However, to the surprise of many, it was revealed exclusively by the Wired website what the experience of playing the new video game from the Japanese console developer will be like in addition to its possible design.

      Peter Rubin, writer for the Wired website, in the midst of an interview with Mark Cerny, systems architect on the Playstation 5 development team, was taken by surprise when Mark puts in his hands a prototype of the PS5 controller. So, Peter begins to observe the appearance of what would be the DualShock 5, and notices a small hole, where after starting to play, he realizes that it has the function of an "adaptive trigger". This command option implemented in the new controller is not simply a trigger, it has resistance levels that vary according to what happens in the game, that is, it obtains more resistance or becomes more malleable according to the actions that are performed. in the game.

      When playing a game that uses various weapons such as bow and arrow, machine gun and shotgun, Peter realizes that the Dualshock 5 can sensitively detect the resistance needed to print on each object. As if that wasn't enough, he notes that in conjunction with the button work, there are sound effects emitted by a speaker on the controller. However, the immersion experience in games did not stop there.

      Has anyone played the Playstation 5! Check out the report!

      Illustrative image of Gran Turismo 5 Sport. Source: Wired

      In one of the games that Peter tried with the new Sony console, the character passed through several surfaces and at that moment the writer realized that the vibration of the controller was so precise that it managed to convey the sensation of when the surface was made of slow sand and slippery, from when the surface was made of ice providing a sensation of sliding or even when the surface was made of water, where he could feel the resistance of the water, among other sensations. At the same time, it was given the opportunity to play Gran Turismo Sport on PS5, where it was noticed through the vibration of the controller when one part of the car was on the track and the other on the ground, something impressive and that should take immersion to a new level. beyond in games.

      It was also mentioned by Peter that while playing Gran Turismo Sport, he noticed that the appearance of the console resembled the patent registered in Spain that the website LetsgoDigital performed a rendering of the possible appearance of the console. That is, it seems, we will have a design close to what was revealed.

      Has anyone played the Playstation 5! Check out the report!

      Appearance of the Playstation 5 console. Source: Letsgodigital

      What did you think of the news about Sony's new console so far? Comment below and share your opinion with us!

      Source: Wired

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