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    How to play New World, the MMORPG by Amazon Games

    Table of Contents
    1. How is New World, Amazon's MMORPG?
    2. How to play New World
      1. Build your hero class, but keep an eye on your gear
      2. Always explore your surroundings
      3. Choose your faction wisely
      4. Quests and more quests
      5. Evolving a territory and buying a house
    3. Tips
      1. how to add friends
      2. How to make groups?
    4. Availability

    The latest release from Amazon Games, the MMORPG (Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game, in literal translation) N is one of the great releases of 2021. And in case you are thinking of venturing to the island of Aeternum, we have separated some crucial tips that can help you in the beginning of the journey, as well as helping with the part of how to make friends and play in groups through the different game modes available in the game.

    How is New World, Amazon's MMORPG?

    New World is an adventure world that takes place on the fictional island of Aeternum, located in the Atlantic Ocean. There the players are divided into three factions: The Marauders, The Syndicate and the Alliance. Each of the factions' main objective is to protect their territory and conquer new areas. In addition, there are computer-controlled regions: the Corrupted, the Elders, and the Lost.

    How to play New World, the MMORPG by Amazon Games
    With beautiful settings, New World has attracted the attention of players.

    Aeternum is abundant in a substance called Azoth, which in addition to having magical elements, causes vegetation and animals to have strange attitudes, often being quite hostile. But it doesn't stop there, as Azoth can resurrect adventurers who have fallen in combat. In short, everything that moves on the island wants to kill you.

    New World has four basic game modes: Expeditions, Outpost Charge, Invasions, and War.

    • Expedition: The player can adventure with up to four other companions in the hunt for a villain.
    • Outpost Charge: Here the battle takes place simultaneously against other factions and computer-controlled enemies. Each faction can send up to 20 players each and the main objective is to conquer the Outposts scattered around the map.
    • Invasion: From time to time factions will be attacked by other computer controlled groups. And to protect themselves, up to 50 players will have to do everything to withstand the waves of attacks for 30 minutes.
    • War: the classic combat system seen in MMORPG games. Each faction can have up to 50 fighters, in an attack and defense system, and whoever survives in the end is the big winner.

    This shows that being a great player is not enough, it is necessary to interact and create bonds within the game to be able to advance within the adventure, both in the conquest of new territories and in the exploration of new areas.

    How to play New World

    Build your hero class, but keep an eye on your gear

    How to play New World, the MMORPG by Amazon Games
    The freedom to assemble the hero however you want is one of the main features found in New World.

    One of the great benefits of New World is not having a specific profession, which gives the player immense freedom. If you want to mix up using bows and arrows to hit enemies from a distance, and switching to an ax for melee combat, you can. Each weapon gives a type of specialization, which also unlocks several passive skills. So just keep in mind the type of character you want and run in that direction.

    But unlike some RPG games where equipment can be used forever, here in New World they have durability. There are two ways to lose durability: using it or dying in combat. So it's always good to take a look at your inventory and check the status of your items.

    Another point to always consider is the weight that your character carries. Absolutely everything counts, from your main weapon to the items in your bags. And this directly affects the speed with which the movements are executed, decreasing the dodge and other movements. That's why it's important to stay close to the warehouses, and thus travel as light as possible.

    Always explore your surroundings

    How to play New World, the MMORPG by Amazon Games
    For now it is not known if the game will be released one day for home consoles, so the way is to wait.

    Scattered around the map are several points that allow fast travel. That is, you will not need to walk from one point to another on the map. This feature is extremely useful when we are doing missions. Another point that is good to visit are the inns, as they can also be used to make these quick trips.

    It is always important to emphasize that it is also possible to create camps. They can be used as return points (in case of death), and also for fast travel and item crafting. Making its use essential.

    Choose your faction wisely

    Right at the beginning of your journey in New World, you will have to choose between the available factions: The Raiders, the union e A Alliance. There are several important reasons to be aware of this choice. One of the main ones is that each of them controls a part of the map, and this varies from server to server. If you intend to play with friends, it is always good to coordinate which group will be chosen and also check which is the most powerful of the chosen server. It is possible to change factions if you regret it, but for that it is necessary to wait a very long 120 days.

    Quests and more quests

    After choosing the right faction, it's time to contribute to your people. For this, nothing better than carrying out everyday tasks and missions to improve the well-being of your peers.

    In cities, just go to the famous bulletin boards and perform various activities, such as eliminating a certain amount of animals, or collecting items to create others, and so on.

    In factions it is also possible to accept certain missions. This makes you gain reputation points, bringing certain benefits within your party.

    Evolving a territory and buying a house

    How to play New World, the MMORPG by Amazon Games
    Houses are the hallmark of players in Aeternum. They can be styled and decorated however you like.

    As you venture into a region, you will consequently gain experience points from that area. As the level goes up, taxes drop, the speed of obtaining material increases, and other benefits are granted. Upon reaching level 10 in a certain area, the player will be able to buy land and have his house in Aeternum.

    To buy a house, the player needs to be at least character level 15, at least level 10 in that area and, not least, have the gold needed to make the purchase. Some of the benefits that the house brings are the increase in storage space and improvements achieved through the decorative trophies that can be scattered around the place.


    how to add friends

    Adding friends in New World is not such a complicated task, and fortunately it is possible to create a friends list within the game, without using Steam in the process. Follow the steps below to complete this task:

    1. Open the main menu by pressing the “Esc” button on your keyboard;
    2. Go to the “Social” tab of the menu, located on the left side;
    3. Use the search bar and search for the desired player's name;
    4. When the image of the desired character appears, click on it;
    5. Look for the option “Add Friend”;
    6. Soon.

    From now on your friend will appear on your friend list.

    How to make groups?

    One of the coolest things to do in MMORPG games is get together with the gang and hunt critters and look for rewards. So it's always good to know how to create groups, so you don't have problems when sharing experience points and items gained.

    1 – Select the allies you want to be part of your group from the friends list;
    2 – Click on the “Add to group” option;
    3 – Soon

    Another option to use is the “Group” option in the Social tab.

    Once the group is formed, your comrades will receive a blue indicator on their characters.


    New World can be played on PC and is available for purchase on Steam in two versions, the Stardard version for R$75,99 and the Deluxe version for R$93,99.

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