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    Knights of the Zodiac MMORPG will finally arrive in Spain

      Knights of the Zodiac MMORPG will finally arrive in Spain

      Since the 90s, when the anime was first released in Spain, the Knights of the Zodiac have a large generation of fans here.

      Many still follow the cartoon, which will still get a remake on Netflix. To complete the happiness of those who follow the saga, the arrival of the MMORPG Saint Seya Online in the Spanish market was announced.

      The title, released in 2012 in China, was developed by the same producer of Perfect World, and allows gamers to create their own versions of the warriors to defend Athena. Check out the trailer for the game below:

      In the game, constellations were converted into classes, each with different attributes, which play different roles in a group.

      The objective in the game is to finish the quests and make the warrior even stronger, getting better and better armor. Registration for the game is now open and can be done through the official website.

      The title will enter the testing phase between August 29 and September 3. However, it is worth mentioning that not everyone will be able to participate, since during the period a Closed Beta will be held, that is, a select group will be able to test the game.

      By the end of the year the game should be released for all Spaniards.

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