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    Kojima Productions calls report of Kojima's dismissal from Konami as "categorically false"

      Kojima Productions calls report of Kojima's dismissal from Konami as

      Recently the studio Kojima Productions, responsible for the development of the game Death Stranding, had to interfere in a false statement that began to circulate on the internet. In the text of the website responsible for spreading the erroneous information, it was said that Hideo Kojima had been fired from Konami for using funds allocated to the title Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain to develop TP.

      In a text written today by the website it was stated that Hideo Kojima had been fired for embezzling funds intended for the game Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain to develop the teaser for Silent Hills PT. So to clarify the information said, Kojima Productions posted on the social network Twitter saying:

      "KOJIMA PRODUCTIONS does not normally comment on rumors or speculations. However, we can confirm that the article recently published on is categorically false."

      - Jay Boor, Global Head of Marketing and Communications

      "KOJIMA PRODUCTIONS normally does not comment on rumors or speculation, however we can confirm that the article recently posted on is categorically false."
      - Jay Boor, Global Head of Marketing and Communications

      - KOJIMA PRODUCTIONS (Eng) (@ KojiPro2015_EN) June 24, 2020

      According to vg247, it was also said that communication between Kojima and Konami "was resumed a long time ago" and that both are now "cordial" enough that there's a chance there could be a collaboration between the studios someday.

      Even without this statement from the studio, one has to reflect that Hideo Kojima is not the type of person who would do something of this category for the development of something. Just watch your posts on social networks and your effort to make your works at least well done, even though some people don't like the style of certain games.

      What do you think about what happened? What is your opinion about the case? Comment below and share your opinion with us!

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